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  • Working on a board game due to @We Just Write . "Astrology: A Koi's Journey" which is about acquiring enough energy from 12 planets to escape your doomed solar system and turn your Star Spirits into a constellation as they rejoin their galaxy.
    I was amused by this comment on reddit, "Using nuance is ableist against morons," so I decided to turn the message into a more useful form:

    Nuance, caution and precision are your skills. Use them to build something ten miles high or something to last ten thousand years.
    Shadowrun, Numenera, Within the Ring of Fire, Exalted, Savage World, 13th Age, Mutants&Masterminds, GURPS, Nobilis, Sine Requie, and WoD.
    Context? Those are CRPG systems, but it seems like a response to an unasked question.
    I just used that space to advertise tabletop rpgs that interest me. Didn't seem like they'd be a good fit for below every comment I make.
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