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  • I was reading old posts in DL and realized I hadn't seen you active there, or on SV at all, in a long time. I hope you're doing well.

    Relevant to your usericon, we just hired the We to be our librarians.
    I'm doing kinda well which is pretty much the best you can get with depression but the fact that Mathilde isn't dead, the We are integrating into society and that the library vote won makes me happy and reassured me that things can't too bad.
    I think I'll start putting in the effort needed to catch up, depression be damned. Thank you for reinvigorating an old and important part of my life.
    After much thought I think I'll go back to my old avatar. This one is cute but I think the old one was more recognizable which is important when quickly distinguishing posters.
    The MathildexPanoramia one has still earned its place as both my desktop and Ipad background however.
    I currently have a cold and am experiencing my 30th consecutive hour without sleep. No idea how I'm functional, I expected to be utterly useless 12+ hours ago but apparently my body decided it's too busy being sick to be sleepy.
    I am now at 36 hours without sleep yet I feel just as tired as I was 24 hours ago. At this point I'm more puzzled by my lack of sleep than anything else, did my brain just forget that that's a thing it's supposed to be doing?
    At least the cold's gone now, I somehow managed to stay awake long enough to experience both the first symptoms and the last symptoms without any intervening sleep.
    37th hour, hopefully finally getting some sleep.
    So what does your title refer to? Are you LDS as well?
    I'm an agnostic atheist. The Aspiring God thing is a bit of a joke, I'm a transhumanist and it refers to the fact that I hope to one day achieve a level of self-improvement via augmentation that would make me "godlike" in power, knowledge, and intelligence relative to my current self.
    Whereas I'm the sort of person who absolutely would be a creepy transhuman fanatic, if I didn't believe my work had been done already. (Before this world was made, in fact.)
    And I'm technically agnostic, too. You sort of have to be, if you acknowledge solipsism as a valid argument.
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