• I thought I was alone in not liking infinity war, glad that somebody else agrees
    you can tell Nietzsche was right and God is dead because people won't stop making the same arguments misconstruing him :V
    how come you have stopped posting g?
    Not much; I've expanded it a bit (I'd add that what doesn't get posted is as important as what gets posted) but the general mood swing towards REEEEing out and how the IRC channel had a bit of a "this person is bad because they disagree with me" undercurrent just kind of pushed me away. Just a general loss of good faith on the boards I suppose, or maybe me just becoming more cynical.
    so what kind of posts or new isn't being posted ?
    Generally "makes our side look bad" stuff. I try to keep a wide net of news available to me so I see stuff like the Berkeley riots which barely get a mention here.
    are you a member of the subreddit bad economics ?
    Yeah, it's one of the places I go for econ news and interesting articles. Although I'm behind on my R1
    So Actual Cannibal Mutton tell me more of your love of eating the flesh of lambs and goats

    (Indian food is great. Sadly I hate coriander) :(
    is you username of SB,Atlan?
    No, I'm Mutton over there as well. I also had the damn Avatar first (got my brother to clip it together for me since screw Paint), but I don't post often on SB so I don't fight him for it.
    If they ever remake Little Shop of Horrors they need to find a way to do a "Be a Physical Therapist" instead of "Be a Dentist"
    :< Hope you're doing well now.
    Thanks; I'm walking with a cane now, hopefully be able to toss it aside and do a jig within a few months
    Currently in convalescence from surgery, so forgive me if I haven't gotten back to you on a discussion
    This victory feels surprisingly hollow. :(
    I suppose I can get heated and act like an ass once a year.

    In good news, #scalia4kids is the best way to blow off steam that Twitter has invented yet so writing apologies to the people I acted shitty to won't be hard at all!
    MJ12 Commando
    MJ12 Commando
    "Harry Potter and the Genetic Panopticon" sounds like some oMage/Potter crossover.
    Well, there's your next quest I suppose
    So I don't frequent the Current Affairs subforum much, but I just wanted to mention that among the sea of mediocre/hyperbolic comments, I appreciate the calm, reasonable approach you usually seem to take. That's all. (And I hope I'm not merely succumbing to confirmation bias when I find your posts to be among the most level-headed.)
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