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  • Can Futtershy scream musically? Probably only when there's no one else to hear. Princess Luna is good at that, though, and it takes more than one pony to be a band. She might need to face away form the crowd like Eddie Van Halen until she got into it on guitar, too. My question is who does drums, bass, and synth?
    Obviously Rainbow Dash is on the drums, because drummers get all the groupies and she is Best Pone.
    Applejack is the bass player, of course.
    There is no synth. Get your filthy nu-metal heresy out of here!
    The rest of the 6 are backup guitarists to Fluttershy's lead.
    And the lead singer is, of course, Derpy Hooves.
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Honestly, the only part of the image that's really sticking for me is Flutters with wide eyes and tiny terrified pupils turning around to not look at the crowd, just at her friends there to play music with her, until the power of rock fills her and wipes away fear, so she spins around and poses like your avatar on one of the power riffs. Is a cute. Gets much applause. Many hugs.
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