Magic Outlaw

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  • About Oxygen: It's a TINO of such grand proportions that I don't even know what to say. In the story Taylor has the ability to control [con]
    Magic Outlaw
    Magic Outlaw
    I didn't even look at the thread for Oxygen because I didn't want to look at the fucking gentle storm that is made of pure physics that holds a naturally formed Hug Box that powerful to make this person think that their story had no problems at all.

    Taylor Varga but with no handwaving?
    Magic Outlaw
    Magic Outlaw
    Please, Taylor Varga at least tries to make their hand waves at least following some sense of logic and story telling. Oxygen does no such thing and just dumps a bunch of 'Look, this underrated power is actually really powerful! Notice me being awesome and great at using weak powers!'.
    By the way, you may wish to know that both of the links in your sig are broken. At least, the first one is broken, and the second one leads to a story which doesn't seem to contain that quote.
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