• Imma just point out something:

    You took 6 hours to try and respond to posts that didn't even take that much time to prep. And then rather than post whatever you'd put together, you decided that saying "'I respect you, why didn't you please me more, I regret I have to leave all these idiots behind, and remember I'm more educated than everyone else."

    made you great.

    Whatever floats your boat, lol. :p
    Violation of Rule 3 - You Don't Dramatically Announce You're Ignoring Someone. Just Do It And Leave It Alone.
    Learn to read. Perhaps you misunderstood, but let me spell It out: What Sheo wants to write, and what I want to read, is not the same, therefore I told him such and did not say that he had to change it, quite the reverse in fact, if you can't read that, your problem, not mine. Enjoy your ignore, troll.
    Whiskey Golf
    Whiskey Golf
    I could say the same for your own lack of reading comprehension. ;D

    I remember when you used to like me because I agreed with some of the things you said in the GG thread, lol. That you now call me a troll because I don't agree with you is speaks very tellingly of you. ;D :p
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