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  • What fic of yours has Symphogear? If you don't mind me asking?
    Symphogear has been a secondary crossover in Usagiquest, and it has been coming closer to the forefront in the last few events.
    Hi! I just wanted to thank you for the gift -- I'm not entirely sure what an account upgrade entails, but I did a little bit of looking, and I like the little star by my name.

    Also, I just noticed that your icon is Nagisa and Honoka kissing and that's amazing
    The biggest thing that what I did in gilding your first post of the quest is that there is a side-bar on the front page which shows all the most recently gilded posts, and since I gilded your opening post, it will have a bit of extra visibility to the rest of the site. Hopefully you'll get some extra readers.

    And yeah, I've honestly had this image as my icon for so long I'm not even sure where I found it anymore.
    so dial up heroine is dead right? I mean it's been a few since updated it, so I was wondering what its status is, just looking for confirmation is all
    At this point I have had the same 200 words of progress sitting in my word processor for months now. Every time that I try to sit down and work on it, I just end up frustrated. It is at the very least on hiatus. I want to get back to it and write for it again, but at least for now thinking about Worm makes me depressed and lose the will to write.
    Okay, you do you, if trying to write about it makes you depressed then don't write. your mental health is more important than my or anyone else's impatience.
    just take your time writing whatever you want... or don't I'm not your boss or anything.
    Is Hearts Abroad (the Pokémon/MTG quest) on hiatus?
    For the moment, yes. I'm wanting to get back into it, but at the moment I just haven't got the muse for it.
    Thank you for answering! I'm looking forward to it returning, but I'm also enjoying your other works greatly, so don't feel pressured to force whatever's not working.
    It's struck me that some of my comments in the MHA quest may be rather awkward for you, especially since they partly assume an emotional response on your part, and while it's taken me a while to figure out how to... Yk, figure out how to say anything, I'm sorry if that caused trouble or annoyance for you.
    I accept your apology. I figured nothing was said with I'll intent.
    It just occurred to me that this could be taken as kind of passive aggressive. You didn't upset me.
    Hi, may I ask if you'd know the source for your profile picture and banner , and/or where you got them from?
    For the banner, I searched up Magical Girl History, though I don't remember the exact image, and I've been using the image of Honoka and Nagisa kissing for the longest time. I have no idea where I got it.
    oki, well thanks for the answer still!
    Is your Star-Trek quest on hiatus?
    for the time being, I want to get back to it, but I have barely managed more than like 30 words at a time for now
    hey Lunaryon how goes the stargate quest
    Thought you might like to know

    Stargate Enemy Within

    The year is 2014. Just a few weeks ago, Project Bluebook has had a break through, and a team was sent through a strange doorway known only as the Stargate... However the General in charge of the project has sabatoged the Nuclear device that he was not authorized to send through the gate...

    It's up
    Hey lunaryon how goes the stargate quest
    It is next on the update list once I finish the Dialin Update I am currently working on
    So, given that the story is ongoing, are you going to add Dial up Heroine to your signature or page or is that something you reserve for Usagi Quest? Sorry if this comment sounds rude but I can't quite manage to make this comment sound alright.
    Whoops, I just never got around to getting that on my signature, thanks for pointing it out
    Just found your The Storm Cometh story. Kind of sad it ended on a cliff hanger like that. Hope to see it continued or if that isn't possible you could try a rewrite. Or ask the watchers for ideas on how to get out of it. Any direction you take you still got a watch from me.
    Please continue Would you look at the time.... I beg of you, please continue it...
    I'll take a look at it, but I may have to reboot it instead of continuing it. I've lost a bunch of the notes I had for a bunch of different things when I moved near the start of the Pandemic...
    Jaune Pendragon
    Jaune Pendragon
    Thank You!!
    Hey, do you plan on posting The Psicience of the Soul on SpaceBattles as well? I occasionally go here on Sufficient Velocity to look if any new crossovers I like show up (like yours!) but I generally hang around in SB. If I didn't come here I wouldn't have found your story, so I'm certain that if you post on SP as well you can get more readers for it.
    I probably will, want to get at least one more chapter before crossposting however
    Eh, Honestly crossposting it took me like 5 seconds.

    Here ya go
    Getting massive readings of Big Gay Energy from that avatar, what's it from? :ogles:
    Up on top is Honaka, and down on the bottom is Nagisa, otherwise known as Cure White and Cure Black from the original Pretty Cure.

    And yes, they are even explicitly Gay as of the most recent movie they appeared in.
    what is your star beside your name
    That is from buying the gold tier membership upgrade. It let's me put more pictures in a post, gives me the Meow rating, and let's me make tags. Its 10 bucks for one month
    Any word about an update on 'The Storm Cometh'?
    Cause that cliff hanger was just mean.
    And with Taylor blasting that SOS, the PRT will have competition with the US Military over this new cape, if anyone is around to read Morse Code.
    It is quite possibly the most frustrating thing I have ever dealt with.

    I have a lot of notes about the story's direction and tone, but every time I have sat down and tried to write it out, Taylor and Vicky veer off into a completely different direction instead.

    At this point I am contemplating throwing it back to the drawing board again to change things up and hopefully figure out something that works
    Why not have a chapter dealing on the fallout first of an unknown person blasting a code that trips certain words, and has to deal with NCIS and a couple big marine types, and then when Carol comes charging in about her daughter being hurt?
    Their beautiful hearts will launch the one true ship!

    Well one of them, most seasons have at least one, and one season is near flat out a harem ~
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Eh, Star Twinkle is the first season I've watched since Max Heart, actually, and even that I've only seen through about ep8. I like it almost as much as the original PreCure but keep getting distracted.
    Yeah, finding any of the Precure seasons is a pain and a half, but they are all good.

    Unfortunately the series has reached a point where the crossover movies are having to start excluding teams, but since the second most recent one is a world record holder for the most magical warriors with actual lines (55 of 'em) I guess it only makes sense.
    Hey, you gonna be continuing that Precure/Sailor Moon/Rayearth/Card Captor x-over quest any time soon? I felt like it had potential...
    I am currently working on the update for my Ben 10/Worm at the moment, and To Stand Against the Darkness will be after that. I ended up injured about 2 weeks ago, and haven't been really able to write much until the least couple of days.
    Oh, ouch. Sorry to hear that. Hope it wasn't too bad and wishing you get well soon!
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