Loki Thorson

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  • I think of the Little Bunny Foo Foo song every time I see your avatar. Bun-Rei looks super annoyed at being in that cheesecake pose, though.
    Loki Thorson
    Loki Thorson
    I await the day I can come up with the energy to write a Worm fic. where Taylor triggers as Bunny Rei.... and have that scene with Glen
    Love the quote in your sig
    "A dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest! Honestly, it's the honest ones that you have to watch out for because you can never predict when they're going to do something... stupid." -Cptn. J. Sparrow-
    and love your bunny girl Rachel profile pic though i wonder where you got it
    Loki Thorson
    Loki Thorson
    I found it in Google images. just type in Raven Teen Titans.... i think, good luck.
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