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  • Hi I loved how you did the magic in College of Jewels! That and the depth of characterization made it really compelling :)
    I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled for if you decide to reboot it
    Saw ur post in cat thread and IDK if it's something you feel like you want/need to talk about but if you ever need someone to listen or whatever feel free to PM me and I'm always happy to listen.
    Pleaseeeee continue Sakura Quest!
    I just might pretty soon actually. I've been thinking about either starting a new quest or picking up one of my old ones for a while. It's either that or a college of jewels reboot probably.
    You changed your name! I was wondering who this person with the same avatar as Wander who wrote exactly the same way was.
    Heh, yeah! This is the name I use on discord, and I like it more than Wander, so I changed it.
    Don't be sorry for 7wielder. He's twisting the truth again about why he got banned and acting like he did nothing wrong.
    A2 is definitely one of my favorite characters from recent media. Nier Automata is definitely worth a look if you haven't yet.
    Been on a bit of a fate kick and I'm a sucker for bright blue sky and white fluffy clouds backgrounds
    Serra Avenger has cool art too
    *Highfives fellow MTG angel*
    Here's hoping the next time an awesome bit of art catches my eye I'll be able to remain in the club. :p
    I've actually been considering a sliver of some sort for my next art, so... :/
    Just got my copy of Kaalia of the Vast. Very exciting times for my EDH deck. So, in honor of that... New avatar!
    Man, you are like some sort of Like-giving *machine*. :p
    Heh, what can I say, I've been having a great time reading through that quest in the last few days of my summer.
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Dunno what quest you were talking about back then, but having checked your profile page to see the avatar picture bigger, I count that you've given a total of around SIXTY THOUSAND ratings. Considering that SV hasn't even been around very long, that's just out of this world.
    Wandering through the Warhammer : Of the Mists story, eh? Well, it is a great quest and can't fault you on that! ;)

    Anyway, have you already checked out the original Warhammer Dynasty quest? It's on SB but it's good and it's always nice to check out what inspired stuff you like.
    Yep! Almost caught up too.

    And yeah, I will have to check out the original some time as well.
    Not all those who Wander are lost
    Jonen C
    Jonen C
    You sure you don't want a map?
    *Scratches back of neck*

    Uh, if it would n't be too much trouble?

    ...Not that I'm lost. Of course not. I just want to...have...one...?
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