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  • So I've seen you catching up on The Mallus Compliance. I've been with the quest from the beginning so if the QM is unavailable and you have questions feel free to ask me. :)
    Sorry if this is out of the blue. Just have a question. It's been a while but are you still uploading 'The Dragonborn Comes and Goes'?
    Once I can muster up the will to play Skyrim again, maybe.
    Eternal Yujin
    Eternal Yujin
    Looking forward to it. See I write a Skyrim/HP SI somewhat inspired by 'Professor Dovahkiin'. So every time I update it, I see your fic recommended to me and it reminds me of it lmao.
    Hello! Any news on when your Skyrim Si might be updated?
    When it happens. I made some mistakes and joined a half dozen different RPs at the same time. Am having fun, yes, but brain-meats are a touch frazzled.
    Frazzled brain meats taste best with a side of schadenfreude and some ketchup.
    Little Lily has the most adorable angry baby face. Threw up on my sister and not me, that was good.
    So her name is Lily, eh... hope her future husband is not a James :V
    Uh, sad news, I'm shipping out to my next duty station, so no updates or much reading at all for the next few days. Gotta turn in my laptop.
    wish ya would start back up on machine spirit not enough warhammer40K that has at least something to do with ta or pa or supcom
    I wish I'd start back up on that too. Hey Laz, get off your lazy ass and do something! The fans are hungry!
    sorry did not mean to sound like an ass :/
    o and it would be neat if a commander ended up in the endless space universe lots of shinnies there
    So, uh, I've got about a thousand words of a Worm SI typed up. Anyone feel up to offering some advice, comments, before I set it free?
    Tomorrow, of course. Just realized it was two in the morning. Ah, fuck me.
    Just finished watching an Undertale playthrough. Sobbing my eyes out. Please tell me there are fanfics of it.
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