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  • Also I now have to add that I unpleasantly surprised with 420 character limit for posts and comments in the profile.
    Recently, one of the SV moderators says "rhetoric regarding respect for someone's gender identity being contingent on them not doing bad things is also not acceptable. Yes, even if that person is fictional, and yes, even if that person is a mass murderer".
    "try to imagine reaction of various LGBT communities if someone would try to make a parade of heterosexuals." Mardi Gras (mostly)? Any Disney Princess w/ Boyfriends parade? Not only are there not lawsuits, most parades are made by and for mostly heterosexuals, that's common and doesn't bat an eye, your 'reverse' situation is a strawman.
    Transphobic is the term, btw. Like natruska said, no-one goes out of their way to deny who Himmler is, just a horrible example of everything he is. It's the face you go out of the way to use slurs against *specific* groups that is telling. It's still really about attacking the group in practice, not what the person did, and every strawman and false equivalency won't change what's going on- being a bigoted asshole.
    When you arnt presenting yourself as a toxic ass, Then you have had some good interactions.
    This whole spiel of yours still boils down to "your right to exist is contigent on my approval", which puts you, from my own perspective, closer to your comparison with Himmler than you may wish.
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