King Tharassian

Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink behind the lake,
The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa.
Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies,
But stranger still is
Lost Carcosa.
Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard in
Dim Carcosa.
Song of my soul, my voice is dead,
Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed
Shall dry and die in
Lost Carcosa.

Name: Dazzle

Class: The Audiophile
Class Ability - Dropping the Bass: Dazzle releases a digistruct module that creates her MegaBass 3.X at the target location. Different songs played on the MegaBass cause different effects; some will heal allies, others will damage enemies, and some will just cause the environment to be changed as the sheer force of the soundwaves causes architecture to collapse and acid barrels to burst. A smaller version can be digistructed and carried around, but both versions of the device are destructible.

Age: 28
Appearance: 5'10"

Dazzle was born to unknown parents in one of the trade settlements in the Bone Wastes of Pandora. Whether they left her behind or died is unclear, but she came into the care of a trading caravan that frequented the route ending at Trader's Crossing. For the first seven years of her life, she traveled with the caravan, and didn't have a definite name. When she was almost eight, most of the caravan settled in the small community of Refuge Depot, built in an old Dahl bunker.

With the new spare time and resources at her disposal, she picked up mechanics as a hobby. When she was ten, she heard the rhythmic echoes of the bunker's machinery, and was inspired to make recordings of random sounds, splicing them together. She started building a few small radios and other such things, eventually building the first iteration of her MegaBass, which even she now winces at occasionally, regretting the name due to how glaring it is but unwilling to change it out of nostalgia.

This fascination with sound eventually led to her fixing the PA system of the bunker, and then creating a system of cameras and speakers along the rocky path to the Depot's entrance, each one meant to blast intruders with violent 'music' of her own creation. When she was about thirteen, she decided being called 'Squirt' was no longer her thing, and determined to choose her own name. After going through about ten across three years, she settled on 'Dazzle,' simply because she liked it. Since then, she's improved the design of her MegaBass repeatedly, eventually weaponizing it by setting it to a frequency that disrupted nearby bandits. She only started that, however, after finding some powerful earplugs left behind in a Dahl mining cache, as well as picking up several others in case anyone she didn't hate happened to be in the area when she activated it.

For a time, she was part of a Vault-Hunting team on Pandora, where she met Miles Nemo, a Lanceman whose company had been left on the planet during Atlas' retreat. He essentially became an adoptive family for her, though neither of them is exactly sure what their relationship is. They remain in contact via a secure ECHO channel they access through personal communicators they always keep on their persons, and sometimes contact each other for advice on whatever situation they happen to be in.

- Primary: "Three Promises"
--Manufacturer: Atlas
--Class: Shotgun
--Description: A rotating three-barreled shotgun series released shortly before a civil war the Lance were hired to interfere with. Has a low magazine capacity, high damage, and above-average accuracy, combined with slightly reduced recoil due to certain dampening mechanisms used in the triple-barrel design.

-Secondary: "Light Up the Night"
--Manufacturer: Torgue
--Class: Rocket Launcher
--Description: As is usual for Torgue, this gun is not subtle. The weapon itself is advertised as a high-explosive demolitions tool reimagined for maximum awesomeness in combat, and the series is notorious for causing damage to the wielder with disturbing frequency. Of course, this is largely due to the lack of information on its mechanisms. The launcher has a fully-automatic setting that can release all four rockets in quick succession in exchange for a cooldown period of thirty seconds. Of course, reloading is easy enough that thirty seconds will probably not have passed by the time the user is ready to fire again, leading to overheating, and then the gun exploding in a truly spectacular fashion. There is a semiautomatic setting as well, but inexperienced users rarely had the time to learn such. High-damage, low-capacity, average accuracy and variable recoil.

-Tertiary: "Firefly"
--Manufacturer: Maliwan
--Class: Pistol
--Description: A fairly simple weapon, the Firefly is a fully-automatic, high-capacity incendiary pistol with a side-mounted circular magazine. It is a perfectly capable weapon in the hands of a moderately-proficient user, but holding down the trigger could lead to needing to reload at inconvenient times.

Special Notes:
-Favorite Color: Purple
-Favorite Food: Mint Gum
-Favorite Drink: Conquista Beer
-Bounty: 20 Billion, Accrued through petty crimes and public disturbance
-Grenade Mod: Corraza Pickpocket - Steals enemy shield charge and applies it to friendly shields.
-Shield: Corraza Magnifico - High capacity, overcharge capability, extremely slow recharge.
-Outside Contacts: Miles Nemo, Lanceman Rocketeer
-Additional Equipment: Butterfly Knife, Dahl Industrial Earplugs, Headphones

Name: Miles Anders Nemo

Class: Apocalypteer
-Class Ability - "I Love My Job": Miles diverts his shield's energy to his jetpack, launching himself into the air and releasing an incendiary nova around his launchpoint. In the air, he draws a pair of rapid-fire pistols that cause small explosions - one with corrosive damage, one with incendiary. He gains mobility and maneuverability, and rains down elemental damage from above, but becomes more vulnerable, with only his armor to protect him from harm until he lands again.

Age: 33

Appearance: 6'1"

Miles was born on the planet Promethea, to a family on the edge of Newchapel, a city on the edge of the ash waste. From a young age, he was a member of the Deadeye Gang, a more moderate group that was popular for their less destructive tendencies compared to the Blackeyes and the Shackles. As he grew, he became one of the gang's leaders, eventually becoming the Boss when his predecessor died in a turf war against the Shackles. The other gang was destroyed in the ensuing gang feud, and the Deadeyes took control of the majority of the city.

When the Lance came looking for recruits, they assisted the Deadeyes in creating more permanent defenses to prevent anarchy returning, and recruited several members of the gang's upper echelon, including Miles and a number of his higher-ranking fighters. They were placed in a class of recruits under Commander Ajax and his associates Kyros and Typhon, and became Lancemen. Miles' platoon passed with flying colors, and took part in the Pacification of Eden-2, several operations on Promethea, and the Invasion of Monsoon over the course of their five-year tenure. Miles himself was recruited into a short-lived experimental program meant to combine the mobility of Rocketeers with the damage capabilities of elemental troopers, but the equipment proved difficult to use, often being easily damaged in combat or simply unreliable. Bizarrely, Miles still opted to continue using the gear.

Eventually, the brigade, under General Alphonso Knoxx, was deployed in an operation intended to be declared the Pacification of Pandora.

The Pacification was an unmitigated disaster. Despite early victories against bandits and native resistance, the Lance hit a roadblock when a group of Vault Hunters began launching attacks and counter-strikes. Commander Ajax, Kyros, and Typhon were killed. The Omega Assassins were wiped out (including Ceresia, who Miles considered a friend). Eventually, the Crimson Armory was destroyed, and General Knoxx killed. In the confusion of the civilian evacuation, Beta Platoon escaped as an escort for one detachment of support staff and R&D workers. They were forced to watch as the armory detonated, and the Lance's supremacy on Pandora was broken.

After trying to reclaim the Armory in the first few weeks, the Lancemen on Pandora scattered. Contact with Atlas went silent. Beta Platoon and several other units pulled into one of the Atlas road junctions on the highway: Road Junction Hermes. Organizing under Colonel Harris, the highest-ranking Lancemen among their number, they became some of the only remaining loyal Lance on Pandora, known to others, and eventually themselves, as the Crimson Remnants.

Miles eventually listened to rumors about a new Vault in the months shortly following Handsome Jack's ascension to power, meeting Dazzle as they both sought out others who would help them find the Vault. Ultimately, their efforts bore no fruit besides contact with like-minded individuals, but Miles and Dazzle are still good friends, and continue to maintain contact, even traveling together these years later.


-Primary: "Medusa"
--Manutacturer: Atlas
--Class: Assault Rifle
--Description: A short-lived series released to complement the Crimson Lance's Elementeer project, meant to allow the soldiers to have more tools at their disposal. A small wheel set into the bottom of the weapon, in front of the magazine, allows the user to alternate between incendiary, corrosive, and non-elemental fire. However, this variety comes at the cost of damage, and the elemental damage dealt by the weapon is lower than that of a single-element gun. The weapon itself has high base damage, lower-than-average recoil, and excellent accuracy in exchange for average capacity and low rate-of-fire.

-Secondary: "Evil Eye"
--Manutacturer: Maliwan
--Class: Polaris Beam Laser
--Description: A shoulder-mounted Maliwan laser, infused with the shock element. At the point of impact there is a small area-of-effect as the shock bursts. Excellent accuracy, good capacity and near-nonexistent recoil are contrasted with below-average damage.

-Tertiary: "Ceresia's Gifts"
--Manutacturer: Atlas
--Class: Laser Blades
--Description: A pair of laser-bladed shortswords, manufactured in a series formerly issued to Crimson Lance Assassins as secondary weapons. Collected by Miles as mementos of a fallen friend, the assassin Ceresia, who died to a Vault-hunter's sniper round during General Knoxx's campaign on Pandora.

Special Notes:
-Favorite Color: Red
-Favorite Food: Dark Chocolate
-Favorite Drink: Conquista Beer
-Bounty: What bounty? I'm a professional, you bandit scum. (Is totally in denial)
-Grenade Mod: Corraza Pickpocket - Steals enemy shield charge and applies it to friendly shields.
-Shield: Corraza Magnifico - High capacity, overcharge capability, extremely slow recharge.
-Outside Contacts: Dazzle, Audiophile
-Additional Equipment: Crimson Lance Elite Armor, Dahl Industrial Earplugs
Victory Bay, Kronus


My Quests:
A New Herald: A Warcraft Quest - A vain draenei is approached by two blood elves with the offer of freedom from his cell, in return for his help in breaking out another prisoner. He is faced with a choice: accept, or wait for another rescue that may not come. (Dead)
The Maid of the Comet: A Tale from Azeroth - You are Jeanne d'Arc du Lys, the Maid of Orleans. And you died. But instead of pearly gates, you found a land of walking corpses and crusaders in red, and Saints Michael, Catherine, and Margaret are thrust into the position of helping you survive these tumultuous times. (On Hiatus)

