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  • '' Replace the criminal income stream with government and tell them to work towards making the community better and I think the complex gangs would be capable of doing it. ''

    the problem is that gangs are warlord-lite communities
    is about money AND power,you cant tame gangs
    what you do,is take away their income (despenalization of most drugs,while giving incentive to the creation of legal drug buisness leading to a collapsing buisness as most cant or arent willing to change their modus operandi), invest on social programs and infrastructure (take away their recruit pool by giving them a better chance at life) and then follow up with crackdowns as the lose money and manpower
    the thing is that such plan is a long term thing,a decade or two,in the mean time the only thing are stopgap measures with the use of crackdowns and curfews
    Hey man, I just wanted to say I appreciate your posts in the George Floyd Protests thread.

    I know it's exhausting but and it's appreciated.

    (also - imagine being weak to fire AND fighting - this post made by blaziken gang)
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