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  • Hi Janusi I wanted to express continued interest in Ready Player One. Just re-read it and still love it. I know you said it is unlikely to get an update for a while. How is your muse treating you otherwise like your original works and stuff?
    Ah! You tease me by withholding knowledge. Will you tell me more about the one that will never see the light of day?
    It's a Pokemon story with a semi-SI character, I wanted to see if I could write in a single POV for a character that's blind.
    Oh wow that is a hardcore writing challenge! Thanks for telling me.
    Hope you are doing well. Just read Wheelbound again!! Hope to see your take on the Great Hunt soon enough!
    I'm doing well. Unfortunately haven't heard from my beta reader in some time.
    Hi Janusi I just read your new fanfic and I was wondering if there is a chance we might get an update on some of your older stuff? Either way I look forward to reading the new work. Thank you for writing!
    Honesty compels me to say it is highly unlikely.
    Just finished reading through "Wormbound", have to say, it's a very good read. Thank you for it, and I hope one day you might continue it.
    Sorry I didn't answer sooner, I somehow missed your comment. I'm not sure I'll continue Wormbound, but I recently started Wheelbound if you like Wheel of Time you should give it a chance.
    Just wanted to drop by and say that I'm loving Ready Player One.

    I wonder how long it will take Taylor to discover the Party system...or if she ever will. I can't wait for her to finally one-up Sophia, and see her get booted from the Wards. I just hope Taylor restrains herself and Shadown Stalker doesn't end up in a shallow grave within an ID.
    Thank you.

    Taylor wants to be a hero, so she doesn't want to kill Sophia. Even if it is a very tempting prospect.
    Yeah. Darn heroes and their 'no killing'. Of course, a 'training accident' in a zombie dungeon...
    Sorry to bother again - you're probably realizing I'm sort of annoyingly insistent by now - but what about that third written-beta'd chapter you had?
    Hey there! Just found player one today :)
    It's a very nice piece! It seems to be abandoned though... is it? Cheers!
    Carlos Augusto
    Carlos Augusto
    ... So why, as we speak, aren't you going over there and posting them?please?
    Carlos Augusto
    Carlos Augusto
    I'll spread the good news about it on the thread. So everyone can go back and read it all before you poste the next three chapter later today. Maybe later this very hour? *--*
    Carlos Augusto
    Carlos Augusto
    \0/ you coming back rules!
    Would you care for a friendly nudge/reminder to post a new chapter once a week or something like that to make sure you aren't forgetting about it? I'm sure there'd be an overabundance of volunteers over at your thread :D
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