• Hi! Sorry if it came off as tasteless. I thought it was proper to go blue.
    Iron Roby
    Iron Roby
    Appreciated. I can understand the frustration with that thread to push one to resort to such. I was mostly miffed because I know where such metaphors take the discussion, although I really didn't foresee anyone actually taking you literally.

    And whelp, thread closed just before I could have posted my other response to Qeqre.
    Good day to you, sir. If you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    Iron Roby
    Iron Roby
    And good day to you too!

    As for the avatar, all I know about it is that it's a picture I found from Photobucket under "magician", years back. I don't know if it's fan art about a character from any other work or original art (though I suspect the latter). I have just stuck with it since the beginning I joined SB.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    Ah, pity. Well, thank you for your time.
    At the size your avatar is at on my screen, I end up seeing a super-stylish Slenderman. I can't seem to easily differentiate between 'hair' and 'face'.
    Iron Roby
    Iron Roby
    That's because the white hair is an illusion spell that does not seem to be capable of properly fooling your eyes, of course. Good call noticing that something is quite wrong there. The hair is -supposed- to be black, damn it.

    Who do you think I am, a (platinum) blond or something?! :)
    Oh man, I completely agree with you on Hypochondriac's avatar. I'm not the only one!
    Tibby the Cat
    Tibby the Cat
    Yes, I remember. The old avatar was bad enough, I simply didn't even know what it was. The avatar of a worm on an eye was fine for me, it wasn't too gross. The current one seems fine, but only because I don't know what it is.

    It is rather strange. Has anyone PM'd him on it or anything?
    Iron Roby
    Iron Roby
    I just made a him a public statement/challenge about that in a thread I caught him participating in a classy "stop, or I ignore yu" style. Yes, the exact wrong way to ever do this, I was a noob back then.
    Iron Roby
    Iron Roby
    After my brain caught up with "hey, maybe it's not good to derail a thread with something totally off topic and personal like that or threaten someone with ignore" - I just preferred that comment be left ignored by everybody, as it luckily went (I would have probably deserved an infraction or at least a warning for it) and just put him on Ignore and was personally done with this.
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