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  • zhuanlan.zhihu.com


    本文主要讨论网络上一些关于北洋政府祭祀冠服的误解。 关于大总统、官员、士庶、乐生、舞生冠服之具体形制与制定过程中讨论的其余方案,之后笔者可能会另写文章。 笔者对传统服饰研究不多,所述观点仅是一家之言,…

    I imagine Kang Youwei's face on that Robe...
    Ah, good find, thanks for sharing.
    Have you ever thought in bringing your Superpower China 1912 TL here to Sufficient Velocity?
    I've thought about it but I need to look into potential copyright issues. It might help get more feedback for the first draft of the future second volume.
    I discovered that Jiang Qing once designed a dress that emulated the Hanfu.

    I think, in your timeline, because China is under the Qian, as a saner person in this timeline, she would try to promote it as an alternative to the qipao, but again, unsuccessful. Probably it might be less politicized than in OTL though.

    What do you think?
    The evolution of Chinese clothing styles under the Qian is an interesting question, one to which I haven't given much thought lately--there are hints that a utilitarian outfit somewhat resembling OTL's Zhongshan suit becomes prevalent during and after the war, but after that it's anybody's guess.
    I'm thinking that a neo-traditional revival of some sort will eventually take place, and dresses like these might be part of it.

    However I'm not sure if Jiang Qing as an individual is even born in WIAF. If she is, she will certainly be a very different person from OTL.
    "It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history." (Ludwig von Mises)
    Why did you get banned on AH.com? I apologize if it's a bit personal, feel free not to answer, but Superpower China 1912 was one of the first timelines I read... and being curious, I read your AH-pedia page. I trusted what it said at first, but I've recently heard some bad things about the mods... I want to know the truth from you. Thanks.
    Thanks for responding. That really sucks. I believed the mods at first... but then the amount of people banned, some who I liked as map-makers.... made me suspicious. /1
    I looked at AH.com's Kick and Ban thread (they have one of those, IIRC it's only been up since 2019 so you might not know...) and some of the ban reasons seemed really flimsy, as if they were simply excuses as a pretext for the mods to ban whoever they disliked. /2
    Lo and behold, I did some googling and the answers seemed to confirm my suspicion. Your response only helped clarify the truth.

    Eh, there's no way around it... I guess SV is a better place anyways. Thanks for responding, btw! /3
    Are you the Hendryk that is banned on Alternate History Forums?
    Were you MrP?
    From 2012 until last week, yes. Originally MrP was someone else who left AH.com and agreed to let me use his account.

    A you can see it's pretty straightforward. Why some have decided to twist this into trolling intent is beyond me. But whatever.
    Okay, what led to MrP's banning?
    Did you really troll Bronies, did the guy misread MrP for MLP?
    Cause some people in the fandom still are cancerous, despite it having shrunk massively from its heyday.
    However, to clear any misconceptions, what got me banned was that I sent a PM to one of them saying that things were getting out of control (Doctor What had just been summarily stripped of his mod status and his fiancee banned for criticizing bronies), he reported it to Ian, and Ian used it as an excuse to throw me from the board.
    Honestly, there was an element of schadenfreude when I heard last week that one of the show's animators was jailed on child porn charges. One of AH.com's best-kept secrets is that one long-time member has served prison time for the same offense, and later joined the brony crowd.
    Ian seems to be growing more and more... Unhinged.
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