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  • Happy to see you back boss. Hope my gift helps!
    It most certainly does! Again, thank you so, SO much; I cannot even express the depths of my gratitude. \(☆▽☆)/
    It's fine. I am happy to have helped!
    Just read all of what you have for Stand-in so far. I genuinely think that was the best DDLC fanficion I have ever had the pleasure of reading, so thanks.
    Thank you very much; I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! I was actually working on the next chapter just the other night, so maybe you'll see that soon. :)
    Frickin Fedora
    Frickin Fedora
    Wow. That is quite a coincidence! I will read it as soon as I see it pop up in my notifications, but no pressure. Quality is better than speed in my opinion.
    Happy New Year! Hope that 2023 is gonna be better than the shitshow that was 2022!
    I actually had a pretty good 2022, personally, but yes, Happy New Year to you as well. :)
    So, any date for A backwards grin? Or just when you find a muse? Its one of my favourite fics in SV and I really want more :p
    Soon, hopefully! Currently, my schedule is "update Subsumption, update ABG, update Backslash, update No-leaf Clover, update MOG, update whatever", so while I can't give a date, it's pretty up there on the list of priorities.
    okay since when have profile backgrounds been a thing??? Yours is great btw!
    No idea, but only since recently, I'd have to assume. They're also visible if you simply hover over a person's username (albeit mostly covered up by text). And thank you! It's another Jubileus!me picture I've yet to post to the thread; thought it seemed appropriate. ^^;
    Hey, sorry to be a pest but I was wondering if you're still working on To Twist The Crimson Threads. I just got done with a rewatch of Kill la Kill and it has me craving some good fanfic.
    I certainly have not given up on it! I've just had... well, quite a lot of fics vying for my attention of late (my own fault), and haven't had a chance to get back to it of late. It'll happen eventually, promise!
    In the meantime, if you post the image you want and the thread, I'll add it for you.
    Why don't you try to see if you can do it? I understand all members should now have the ability, but if it doesn't work, let me know and I'll poke into it further.
    I tried doing so as soon as I saw the announcement and couldn't, and just tried again to the same result. "You do not have permission to add image(s) to threadmark index description." is the message I get. I believe it is now universally allowed to add a small "icon" to the top left of the description, but not an image in the description itself.
    Okay, let me look into it. That's not supposed to be happening as far as I can tell, and I'm not sure why it is.
    I'm going to do it. I'm doing the moon thing! It's going to be horrid but at least it'll be out of my system and my hard drive.
    "Least Omnipotent" literally means full omnipotence BUT for the fact that, at any point in time, at any point in space, any other possessor of Omnipotence can purposefully or accidentally veto your application of Omnipotence.
    Yes, exactly! It is the least degree of omnipotence there is while still technically qualifying for the title. :)

    (It's actually a reference to something someone called me in my DDLC SI. I liked it enough that I made it my "official" title.)
    ...fitting! DDLC has Monika, who is a poster child for least omnipotence.
    How'd things go with the tree on your roof?
    Thankfully, it looks like they'll (hopefully) be able to get the roof mostly fixed next week. Unfortunately, because one of the leaks the tree caused is going directly into my room, I'm going to have to take everything off the walls and all the furniture out so they can replace the ceiling and repaint the walls. Same for the kitchen and one other room. So, kind of not ideal, but it could certainly have been worse.
    Happy Subsumption reboot anniversary/Walpurgis Night.
    Thanks! I sadly don't have a proper update for it, but I do think I'll have something, at least. :)
    After so much reading of "Subsumption", I was wondering... what would you wish for?
    The answer to that question has so many different permutations that there is no way I can possibly answer it within the character limit for profile posts. Gonna PM you.
    I saw you mentioned your computer "randomly reversing the left and right sides of the screen for no apparent reason" on Ko-fi. Just a quick check - you're not accidentally hitting the screen rotation hotkeys, right? On most setups, Ctrl+Alt+any arrow key will rotate the screen to point in the selected direction. (Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow is normal orientation.)
    Nope, and not what I meant - this is what happens (sorry for the crap quality, it's a screenshot of a video I took years ago). The left side of the screen suddenly shunts itself to the right, the right side shunts itself off the screen entirely and reappears on the left, and there's a big black bar down the middle where the mouse can't go. It's highly annoying.
    Yup, that's definitely not screen rotation.
    Thanks for liking Secret Flowers!
    You're welcome! I used to read your stuff on FFN, and seeing a Ranma fic pop up here was nice regardless. Makes me want to get back to my own, which has sitting around for way too long once again.
    Oooh, I remember Insanity Squared!

    Yah, sometimes it is fun to go back.
    Any plans to put that ML Lila story on SB or SV?
    ...huh, I didn't know that existed. 218 pages... maybe there is an audience after all. Nice to see someone rec something I wrote, too, so thanks for bringing that to my attention. :)
    How's prep for the expanded version going?
    Mostly finished. I've been trying to get the first few chapters done before posting it... but for some reason, that's proving near impossible. No idea why --- maybe because I finally stopped archive binging ML fics on AO3? But if I start doing that again, progress on everything ELSE I'm writing grinds to a halt, and there's no guarantee it'll even help... it's a frustrating state of affairs, to say the least.
    Do you have any KLK fanfic recs? I can't think of any I've liked besides yours and you seem to have good taste so I thought I'd ask.
    As much as I appreciate the comment about my taste, I honestly haven't looked into KLK fics much. I did for a short while about two years back, but... well, didn't find much I'd immediately consider recommending. There was "A Minor Miscalculation" which is now quite long, and a few decent Ryuko/Satsuki roleswaps but... yeah, not a lot. Sorry I can't offer you more than that. :(
    How's TTTCT going?
    Fairly well, but in answer to your real question (I hope, since otherwise this will be very rude), I'm hoping to go back to Subsumption soon. I've stopped making consistent progress on TTTCT, so the "sprint" is finished with, leaving my writing time open for Ashtaroth once more. :)
    Still no laptop?
    I have FINALLY gotten it back after TWO POINTLESS WEEKS where it was stuck down at Dell for some reason (it takes two weeks to swap out a battery and cable???). Was planning on writing an update tonight, fell asleep, now I'm back up. Hopefully I can get the train rolling again soon, I'm tired of being paused.
    Welcome to Blue's DR quest. More people actually willing to discuss and analyze things are always welcome.
    Thanks for the welcome! I tend to very much enjoy DR-style quests and fics that invite you to participate, rare as they are, so yeah, overthinking/analysis of stuff is a thing I end up doing, and plan to continue doing. Happy to be along for the ride. :)
    *Is trying to figure out how to bother you about Subsumption without sounding rude...*
    Hehe, no worries, will resume shortly. Just wanted to work on some of my other writing for a while. Give me a day or two and I'll have an update.
    Oh? I didn't know you had other projects in the works. Should I be keeping an eye out for a new thread?
    More like my other already existent fics and such. Need to work on TTTCT SOME time after all, plus other stuff from my ff.net account that's been waiting for a while.
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