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  • Fayhem did you get permission to post that on the Song of Peace thread? There should be a strict separation between Discord and the thread unless you have obtained permission from Swordo to post it on the thread.
    That doesn't make sense, considering there is a permanent invitation to that Discord threadmarked in the thread. If Swordo wanted there to be a strict separation I don't think he'd have invited literally everybody to come join if they want.
    My, aren't you handsome. :V

    Fan of Borderlands?
    Well, I just added it up, and I cumulatively have spent roughly 904 hours playing games in the series. So safe to say the answer is "yes."
    Hey, dunno if you saw, but there's a new Rogue Trader quest!


    WARHAMMER 40,000: ROGUE TRADER: FALLEN SUNS (40k roleplaying on the farthest frontiers)

    IT IS THE 41st MILLENIUM AND THERE IS ONLY PROFIT... Welcome to the 41st millennium as you've never seen it before! You are not a stolid space marine, tied by duty and ancient oaths to a life of quiet solitude and blistering war. You are not a guardsman, born to die in the mud and muck of a...
    Thanks! I was off of SV for a minute for a brain break + my little sister's wedding, but I'm getting back into it now! Definitely intending to keep track of the new Emquest at bare minimum, I love these things.
    I feel that as the one with the extra points, words from you could help spur more people to vote/change their votes so that Lightning Talon is overtaken and we get the four you seek with your points. We're just one away from tying with Talon.
    I think we're pretty much there now? We just tied up, and I can't imagine the QM would break that tie in favor of the Talons considering everything. But your point is well-taken nonetheless. Honestly, the reason I hadn't been saying anything before is because I thought you were covering what I'd say pretty well already! But you're not wrong that speaking on my own behalf might be helpful too.
    Thanks. In my experience people need poked and pushed to pay attention when not in the thick of discussions.
    And with that we have broken the tie.
    Broken Mirror is going to close the vote soon -- like, maybe 20-30 minutes soon, kingreaper said -- and it's actually like 16-14 between a vote for telling Algard, and a vote for first telling Regimand only.

    Hurry in and vote if you want to man! As there's a chance to defeat the Algard vote. :)
    Added it to my voting post rn. Fingers crossed! ...Man, it's just more FUN saying that for a quest where we're a Ranaldite.
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