Recent content by EliteDragonX

  1. EliteDragonX

    New Pathchat Medical AI Can Diagnose Cancer There’s a video of it being shown slides of tissue samples and identifying cancer (and i think other abnormalities as well, not entirely sure) , and explaining what to do next. Idk how accurate the...
  2. EliteDragonX

    Chinese Scientists developed Artificial Brain Controlled Robot

    This all sounds very dystopian, ngl. Do we really want to build an entourage of brains that are basically drugged up slaves? Very scary
  3. EliteDragonX

    Chinese Scientists developed Artificial Brain Controlled Robot

    Remember that all tech starts off small. AI could barely string a sentence together in the 80s, for example. Although again, i don’t really know if this will ever be useful or practical
  4. EliteDragonX

    Chinese Scientists developed Artificial Brain Controlled Robot

    Good point, that’s something i didn’t consider.
  5. EliteDragonX

    Chinese Scientists developed Artificial Brain Controlled Robot

    This is pretty scary tbh, i really hope the brain is not actually alive or sentient. While i’m sure this is exciting for certain people, i really can’t see how this has any practical uses. We already have AI to drive robots and do other things. This “brain in a robot” , while certainly...
  6. EliteDragonX

    Ted Chiang: ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web

    Ok, if it’s more efficient then that kinda lessens the resource worries a bit. But on the other hand, aren’t we running into other walls too? Like bigger and bigger models needing more and more data. And you could just make the models smaller of course, but my understanding is if you use less...
  7. EliteDragonX

    Ted Chiang: ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web

    Ok, fair enough on the water thing, i googled it and you’re right. I heard that from David Shapiro so now idk where he got that from. But i did find this article that basically goes into how much resources Chat-GPT uses: ChatGPT And Generative AI Innovations Are Creating Sustainability Havoc.
  8. EliteDragonX

    Ted Chiang: ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web

    Doesn’t Chat-GPT use something like 5 gallons (22.7 liters) of water every single time you prompt it? That cannot be sustainable. We already don’t have enough water to go around as it is. >”Remember that AI training has gotten so energy-intensive, people are thinking of building nuclear...