Dolly Fail Fail

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  • Xellos
    Of course the deviljho variant of a Teo Supernova applies dragonblight.
    Dolly Fail Fail
    Dolly Fail Fail
    Yup, touching the Mage stone instead then. To be fair though, I never said I had touched the stone, just that I was about to touch it. Then noms happened.
    To be fair, that is a long ways off. You'd probably be better off with Warrior until you get your Deviljho stuff together, then go back for mage. Or get Lovers. It's not like the choice is permanent.
    (smirks, passes over intestine slurry with a human beef burger)
    Enjoy new friend! :)
    Dolly Fail Fail
    Dolly Fail Fail
    (Takes quickly) I may just be inclined to like you. (Begins eating)
    Dolly Fail Fail
    Dolly Fail Fail
    *urp* Maybe bring something bigger next time though.
    Remember, if you're going to blow your loved ones away with a twelve bore, just doggy bag those scrumptious remnants and slide 'em my way
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