Dis Lexic

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  • Hey dis is something up with fanfic.net cause I can't read your newest chapter
    Dis Lexic
    Dis Lexic
    Try over on AO3. Same username, same story name. I am aware of the issue as it has been brought up a number of times.
    Vergil wiess
    Thanks dis this will probably help
    What's your avatar?
    Dis Lexic
    Dis Lexic
    Chaser John Doe from Dream Eater Merry. I love his design and I love the effect the image I chose gives in the avatar box resalution even more.
    Here I thought it was abstract art....
    Hey, if you haven't found it yet a fic I recommend is Mauling Snarks by CmptrWz on this site. It also has a TV Tropes Page.
    You have a new place to post outsider stories are you moving here or crossposting
    Dis Lexic
    Dis Lexic
    Crossposting. I probably won't do it with everything, but I'll try to do most when I do something new.
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