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  • I've been reading the actual thread of Divided Loyalties's early days, from before I joined, and your posts were super consistently insightful and excellent. Don't know if you still follow things there following the completion of the Waaagh, but wanted to express appreciation for your contributions both in the early days and during the period we overlapped in late 2019.
    Aw, thanks! I loved Divided Loyalties back in the day, and I'm glad you are enjoying it and appreciating my contributions to its early days. I have a lot of fond memories of that time. The explosion in thread popularity made participating stressful and unpleasant so now I don't, but all good things pass and the way the internet preserves the past to be enjoyed by others is one of the things that makes it magical.
    I invite ya to join Jaina Quest, if this pleases ya.
    I appreciate the invitation and will continue reading it, but I haven't been up to date on Warcraft lore since before World of Warcraft came out. Considering the amount of content released since- and how much of the old content was rewritten- I can't play anything that requires knowledge of current Warcraft lore effectively. I wish you the best with it and will keep an eye out for your future works.
    You! Where the fuck have you been?
    I haven't seen or heard from you since Estiah.
    Trapped in robot land, awaiting someone with high enough tensil strength to save him.
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