Critian Caceorte

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  • hey. I just wanted to say, i hope everything is going well for you and if not they do so soon.
    Want you to know that i love your writing for once and future king and it's mechanics. I personally will be eagerly waiting for If and when you can get back to writing. If you can't that is a shame but such is life.
    Happy new year! I wanted to thank you for making the quest that has been my obsession these last weeks and introduced me to Scion properly. Cheers!
    Critian Caceorte
    Critian Caceorte
    Thanks! I've been taking a break these past few days to spend time with friends and family, but thankfully I have tomorrow off so I'll be able to do my next update then. I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying this quest, I wasn't sure how well it was going to go over since there's so much to the setting to learn, but your words are quite encouraging, make no mistake.
    Any chance of you continuing Fate/Bound Order?
    Critian Caceorte
    Critian Caceorte
    ...Sort of. Either today or tomorrow (assuming work doesn't get me down) I'll be starting a spiritual revival of it: The Once and Future King, which will be using Scion: God's simplified ruleset. There's a decent chance that Fate/Bound Order will play into this new quest's plot, serving as an origin for the Chaldea Crew in Scion, even if they aren't the main focus without the right votes.
    So, is you FE quest dead? 'Cause I felt like it just got to the most interesting part.
    Critian Caceorte
    Critian Caceorte
    It's on hiatus for the moment due to recent housing issues for me. Combine that with my two part time jobs, and it's going to be a while before I have the time really necessary to do the next update.
    R Besque
    R Besque
    i just finished reading through it, and i gotta echo another poster when i say it's a ridiculous, chaotic multicross pileup, one i thoroughly enjoyed!
    Huh, Spear hero-pon and what her name princess wearing the Lust Mask, i remember this game, still on my PSP
    still waiting for some one here or over at SB to make a quest or story about this series, CK2 style would fit this perfectly
    Critian Caceorte
    Critian Caceorte
    *SIGH* Yet another idea to add to the backburner. Honestly, I was thinking either a F/GO crossover, with everyone wondering who the hell these masked midgets are, or a Worm crossover where Taylor gets to build an army of cyclopian cartoonish midgets. Either way, it'd be fun.
    The Patapon 3 style Hero would work as some sort of Servant Install for the MC if you do the FGO cross, they basically already turn themself into class base Hero, some even have chariot and horse for the Rider class
    Because Mozume~
    Critian Caceorte
    Critian Caceorte
    Ah, so that's why 20 of my posts got a like from you in like 10 seconds. Yes, Because Mozume! :D
    Sorry about that. I'm one of those people who read something through if I get hooked and then giving a like, if at all. But it's Mozume so I gave a like to all of the threadmarks.
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