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  • Happy Birthday!
    Thank you so much! Have a great Christmas Eve, whether your alone or with friends or family, I hope you have a smile on your face!
    Shadow Archon
    Shadow Archon
    You're welcome! You too! Spending a rainy Christmas with family! Perfect weather for being indoors!
    Loving our posts. They are great, and they've really lit a fire under many of the Questers. So much excitement for no longer dealing with any political BS from other Guilds.
    Hope you liked catching up to the quest. :D
    You got my writing bug tittering, which is unproductive, because I am a poor writer, and worse I want to run a quest.
    And failing grade 10 Mathematics twice does not endear me to creating game mechanics.

    Bah! It's 2021, the world's gone mad anyway.
    I like your avatar. What's it from?
    Natsu No Zenjitsu: It is a Japanese Manga, about a struggling male painter, who meets an older woman who admires him/his artwork. Natsu No Zenjitsu has spectacular artwork, a lovely story, very well written, with an excellent English translation.
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