• I like your story... ignore those haters. Especially the ones that don't even provide constructive criticism.
    But, and here me out here, what if they just hate it because it's badly writen? How would you determine if they actually weant through the proper testing procedure for testing whether or not a piece of literiture was a piece of shit, and then decided to let you know that, rather then just because they are having a uncontrollable emotional responce?
    @Marcus because they literally said one sentence containing "I'm out" and "this sucks". If you think that's constructive criticism, then you need to raise your bar. Cause that's flaming/harassment.
    Only one person?
    For a skill check, is it the stat rolled against the d20 with the difference being the actual result?

    Example: I have 3 'strength'. Roll a d20. It's 10. 10 - 3 is 7, so I get a 7 on that roll.
    It depends what system you're using.

    Generally higher rolls is better and the higher your skill the lower you need to succeed.
    Worthless Writer
    Um, pardon?
    You may have messaged the wrong person.

    Different games go by different rules and without knowing more I can't help.
    Hey, BoS.

    You remember that Knight Errant Quest I started? It's alive again.

    Just thought you should know.
    huh, you've got more likes than you do posts. Congrats. On another note, i just reread Dr. Victor fries quest, and was wondering if you'll be continuing it in the future.
    Ok never seen your picture up close. I thought it was either some blue bird like a hawk, and all around back into a dragon. But no. Is it Kirito? I kinda recognize the sword and the trench coat except for all the white blemish colors. Well just came to check about Victor Fries quest and when it'll be updated but I guess someone else had the same idea as me and already asked you, so I'll just wait till then.
    Did you lose interest in Victor Fries quest?
    No, just kinda lost for words at the moment, plus writing this on mobile cause pc gone Kablooey, again. Don't worry I'll get something out this weekend even if I have to use fax.
    i was curious, thank you for saying something.
    Heya. Something I was wondering about -- what was up with Squire's Quest?

    Shadow of the Warp seemed to start up more or less without any warning or head's up. Uh I mean, hadn't seen any news and discussion in the prequel quest about it, so it was a bit surprising.

    Did you just have a really good idea for a sequel to Squire's Quest and felt "I should get on this. Now."? If so, cool.
    I ended up dropping it for a variety of reasons, not enough time to really spend on it, everything irl going hectic. Other reasons too.

    Around that time I dropped a bunch of other stories too, not just squires quest. And I didn't want to post anything or Necro the thread since it might accidentally get peoples hopes up.

    And yeah, I made it mostly just because I thought it would be fun.
    A continuation quest is great. ;) Would have been sad to miss it.

    Ah. I, uh -- actually it was sheer dumb luck that I stumbled upon Shadow In The Warp /because/ I spend so much more time on SV, and wasn't looking at SB at all, lol.
    Ah gosh. Sorry. I frequent both, I know a lot of people tend to prefer one or the other though.
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