Good. I finally have wired internet again. Things are finally back to norbal after Nov 21's supertyphoon Goni. Bad: Now my video card is dying. Aaaargh.
Hi there! Would you be willing to talk on soon? I'll wait should I have to. I am the one you talked to about Ollanius Pius and other Perpetuals being in Mass Effect. Do you want me to send the "Perpetual" short story (first an audio drama and then written as a short story in "The Burden of Loyalty") to you in DocX since its only a handful of pages?
Playa and Monika got stalled due to my crashing against planning the big Regulus plot, ironically enough, and a reason to follow the canon plot (because it is a reconstruction) and go to Eashen.
Interplanetary Economics Club ran into the problem that my Windows install got corrupted and I had to reinstall everything all over again, which means losing all the savefiles I was using for reference.