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  • Carnelian x Kancolle?
    I approve.

    I know I certainly do, too. Her art is gorgeous... When I found his particular pic?

    Well, I now know that perfection exists in this world :).
    Hi, sorry for contacting you like this. I wanted to say sorry for sort of taking your idea and running with it so blatantly. By the time I got inspired to try it myself the exact how's and where's of its origin weren't in my head any more so I treated it more like a general concept rather than taking inspiration from someone else.
    Well, if I want to complain I will first need to have a few chapters written up. Because if I can't do even that, then it is just as well that someone did something with the idea. :).

    More seriously, it induced discussions and bouncing of ideas, so it was good for me too. Plus, it seems we're taking the same basic idea in two different directions, so why not?
    Thanks, I appreciate that greatly, I just wanted to apologize for appropriating it without proper credit. :D
    I have some questions for the MGLN quest
    Can i still join ?
    Is it possible to create non-Human Characters(combat cyborgs ,Gears ,EC infected etc ? )
    Of course you can still join.

    Also, technically, a cyborg is a human who received cybernetic implants, so describing them as non-human isn't exactly accurate.

    Traits such as rare-skills, other special abilities will be available for choice, and while a choice like combat-cyborg would need a plausible write-in to justify it, it certainly is possible.
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