• Hey do you know if Zahariel knows about The Watcher in The Rain? Cause I would like to see what he would do with a warp entity that makes people face their own atrocities.
    I don't really know but the closest ecquivalent to that would be in the latest chapter over on SB though if you want me to spoil the surprise I can
    The King in Yellow is not even close to The Watcher in The Rain. In fact The Watcher in The Rain could be said to be The King in Yellow's opposite which is why I asked if Zahariel knows about the WITR: Greta Vern could be to The King in Yellow what Ciaphas Cain is to Khorne and Ephrael Stern is to Slaanesh. Antithesis.
    Have you stopped cross posting Roboutian Heresy on SV? Or are you just focusing on your quest for now?
    I think I'll start crossposting again. and here's the picture of RH white scars
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