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  • Regarding your About page, have you ever tried writing a story without chapters? Lot of Pratchett novels work that way.
    Oh I know I'd be a poor cowriter, I can barely keep my own thoughts straight some days, so trying to do the same for someone else's notes would be an exercise in futility for me, I tried to do it with some friends' English assignments back in school, and after the first few ended up with worse grades I stopped for their sakes.
    I've tried the writing in reverse thing, a good third of my story outlines have me trying to assemble the end of the plot first, especially once I got a great idea for a satisfying grand finale, and then I began stalling worse than usual in backtracking the plot and lost my mojo for it. I think its mostly a mood and health problem, really, I've been working on improving those these last few years.
    Hmm. That still doesn't sound like you'd be bad at cowriting, just that you aren't suited to be the project manager of the pair.
    What's your avatar?
    What do they look like? I'm imagining elephant-people; the name makes me think of Ganesh.
    I don't recall precisely what I used as the basis for their appearance, but the wood statues carved in Thailand show a basically human appearance, so I decided to just make them human looking, but with some unnatural colors and an almost ethereally pretty appearance for both male and female with mild androgyny.
    The character as my PFP is a half-Gandharva named Himari Yukimitsu, according to the named images and the story outline stored in my backups, and Gandharva are immortal and capable of learning over their long, long lives how to tap into the power source that allows Demihumans to have clearly supernatural power, as the only other Gandharva in the setting learned over his millennia of life.
    Happy Birthday!
    Thanks! Sorry I haven't been on in several days, I barely remembered my own birthday and I was given a nice, quiet party by my family, and just yesterday, or, well, two days ago now since its nearly 1 AM, we went to a beach and I was the only one who didn't get sunburned XD
    I always appreciate you wishing my a happy birthday every year, its always a balm to my soul, you know? Makes me smile :)
    Happy Birthday!
    It occurs to me now, a year later, that I never mentioned that the S7 I replaced my S6 with nearly blew up in my pocket. I saved it enough to pass on my data to a new phone, but I upgraded to an S10 right away since I had the rare faulty S7 battery that tried to Note 7 me a week after I got it XD
    Shadow Archon
    Shadow Archon
    Oh no! Hope you didn't get hurt!
    Oh I was fine, other than the fright of feeling my phone come apart in my pocket with the screen being about as hot as a double-double at Tims and seeing the battery about 4 times the volume it should be. Got it outside, took the back off, then took it back in between baking sheets to freeze it. 36 hours later, the battery finally ran out of power, and my data was safe!
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