
T)(e Coddamned Empress


With a trembling hand, he pulled a scroll out of his pocket. "I was wrong," he whispered, staring at the innocuous-seeming object with a mixture of reverence and horror, "It seems that there truly is such a thing as too much power." = Not everyone can be Minato 'Oh God It's Him Run Fo- ERK!' Namikaze = To be fair, it's not like there's a known and reliable method of handling puberty for people who reincarnated just lying around for them to read. = To put it in your human slang, I believe Eldrad enjoys sitting bare-assed on the Fateweaver's lap for extended periods of time. = They then calculated the odds of the Eldar noticing and interfering, damaging, or destroying their work for their own selfish purposes such as 'living' and 'not feeling their souls being painfully separated from the Warp constantly' = Oh great, guess what kids the dog has met Jehovah and he's said you're all goddless heathens. = He hasn't had that much fun since he wrote "please turn over" on both sides of a piece of paper and left it for Rogal to find = So Guiliman is a god now , does that mean we can pray to him to finish our paperwork = The mere concept of bolters ever being the subtle option made me have to sit down and stare into space for a moment. = canon is made up and the lore doesn't matter, just like the Emperor's intent to make a secular Imperium. = The True Astartes Creed = A pocket guide to the Sea of Souls = The Actual Tale of Gilgamesh (aka Why Emps Hates Religion) = Sir Terry Pratchett was a man we did not deserve, but we damn well needed and got. = Masterlist of TTS Related Threads and Fics
Fics: Harry Potter and the Incredible Re-readening [SB Mirror] [HP Reread Project - Working on Book 4] Reincarnation Show [Naruto/HP xover] Only Mortals [SB] [AH] [Titanless Warcraft AU] Everqueen [SB] [AH] [WH30K AU] The TTS Crew Reacts to: Starcraft // Hope and Silence in the Hive [TTS Extras Thread] The Mario Heresy [Cracky ITEWTTSD Spinoff] Leman and Magnus Play Okami [Emperor and Sons Play Games Thread] Mind Crafting [SB] [Various Drabbles] === Other Works By Me: -- AO3 === Ashynarr's Favorites List === ((Avatar image from here))

