Arthur Hansen

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  • So, noticed that you uploaded a new chapter of Stark Imprint to the Pit of Voles, but not here.

    Not planning on posting updates for that one here, anymore?
    Hows the Golden Midnight Project doing?
    Arthur Hansen
    Arthur Hansen
    It seemed I was the only one even writing blurbs. I named it a project for a reason. Eh.
    Welp, I thought it was a singular fanfic actually... :p
    Will you be continuing Worm Who? It is an amazing fic!
    I have to second that question. Just discovered this little gem and I very much hope you will continue it at some point. :D
    Arthur Hansen
    Arthur Hansen
    I haven't really given up on it, but to be truthful I'm just not totally sure where to go with it. I'm actually only a casual fan of Doctor Who, so I'm not the best as using the universe there. And figuring out a good alien to have the girls meet.
    So when is the next update of Falling Iron?
    Arthur Hansen
    Arthur Hansen
    Whenever I get some good karma feelings about writing it again. A couple of bad apples ruined the appeal of it. OTOH, I might have another surprise for some of my WORM fans.
    What? Who made bad comments? I kinda hate it when a few bad comments ruins an entire story. And what surprise is that?
    Arthur Hansen
    Arthur Hansen
    That would be Worm Who? that I posted.
    I saw you liked one of my comment on Falling Iron and I was like, "Holeee shit, it's Arthur Hanson!" I am a huge fan of your Sheila, daughter of Athena stories. Didn't remember you being on SV.

    PS: I would kill for a Sheila in Battlestar Galactica 2003 crossover.
    Arthur Hansen
    Arthur Hansen
    I've actually written two moderately bad ones that I haven't posted. Not sure if I'm up for rewriting it again. Kind of stuck on reconciling "God" and the angels with Scion.
    Different universes work on different rules? I always though that the Angels and the Lords of Kobol were effectively the same kind of Translated Beings. Just like in Mormon Cosmology- humans becomes gods. Although I have no idea why God would be at odds with the pantheon. Maybe he's a Titan equivalent, a parent TO the Lords of Kobol. Just my two cents.
    Well, in ep-15, at the start, they are doing spacesuit basic upkeep, for one.
    Power, Water and Air.
    Three guesses what the power cell contains?
    Right, Minovsky Particles.
    Nice Duracell battery packs that they then make, nea?
    As for the water, it´s a waterball, think baseball or slightly bigger, with enough water in it for one person to last a month.
    Believe they also stated something about the air container as well, but it might have been the battery.
    Those spacesuits are quite sweet, when you think about it.
    Now how do those other series their spacesuits hold up to it?
    I smell both a new product and some new lines of protective gear, even if the later is for personal use only.
    Just found your Lensman Skitter of Earth snippets, so don't be surprised by the carpet-likes. :p
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