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  • Just read absent faces it was beautiful a good stand alone even without the sequel I'm going to check out your other works thanks for the good reads
    Apropos of nothing, I can't help but note that you haven't posted most of your Cyberpunk crossover stories on this site. Is there a particular reason for that? If you don't mind me asking.
    Just didn't seem to be getting much traction with them here. I'll probably update the rest when I get back to those fics, though work is keeping me pretty swamped at the mo.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    Oh well. Shame about your work but regrettably, meatspace must come first. What do I say, good luck?
    Haven't heard from you in a while.

    Hope you're doing okay, man :)
    Oh fuck, sorry no, I've just had a bit of a rough...well year to be honest. Not had much left in the tank a lot of the time.

    Funny, my new job has better hours on paper, but I barely feel like I have time to sleep.
    It's completely fine. And don't let me make you feel guilty about it or anything. I know how that can be.

    Started up a new fic if you're interested, a sort of spiritual successor to HalkO. After all the snarls with HalkO I thought a clean sheet creation taking my experiences from that might do me good.

    Dreamers of the Day - (An SAO Fusion Isekai)

    What if Kayaba Akihiko's dream was not just a dream. What if the Steel Castle, a world Incarnate Unto Its Own Radius, was a place that could actually be reached? The twenty five thousand players of Sword Art Online are about to find out.
    Reread Absent Faces today on a whim, still one of the best Warframe fics ever, and one of my favorite Dresden files Crossovers of all time, is the sequel dead? I know it's not seen a post in over a year after it's initial chapter was published, but I'd like the confirmation one way or another!
    Can't say that I have.
    Or Sunless Sea, same cosmos but it's easier to get into. Fallen London is a vast and deep gothic horror-comedy setting. In this history London was sold to bats, who took it deep underground to the shores of the Underzee. Life continues, in a fashion.
    Light and law are the same thing and being that far away from the light of the sun, which is a living being called a Judgement, which means it's laws hold less sway, things like time, weather, status,death...
    It's very interesting to get into the lore.
    You monster! Sanitize is making me shed tears. I don't think any fanfic so far has managed to make me shed tears.

    I'll give it my vote for the best damn fic I've ever read once its completed.
    You said that The Moon's Fall was 'probably' dead. Is it definitely dead now, or is there a chance you'll get back to it and give us a little closure? Because I loved The Wolf Time and I'd love to see a solid ending rather than a cliff hanger.
    Sorry for not replying sooner btw, I use my profile page as my bookmark for checking my alerts, which means I tend to miss messages on it.
    I thoroughly enjoyed The Wolf Time and The Moon's Fall, so I look forward to seeing where you go with it. I haven't read Dresden Files or played Warframe, so would that be a problem in reading Absent Faces?
    Shouldn't be, I'm trying to make it solidly accessible for those unfamiliar with either or both sides.
    In addition to the SI fics you got recommended on the Wormverse thread, I'll also recommend Mizuki_Stone's various SI fics, since those tend to be really good. They're mostly on SB, he's got one(Freezing Ponds) cross posting here on SV, but that's it.
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