• Seagull posting is showing up in a thread purely to poop on it. A more evocative term than trolling, I figure.
    If you're still interested about F/GO anime, I'd recommend you to drop it: it's boring as fuck. You're better off reading a summary of the First Order.
    Ahh thanks for the heads up, wish they would port F/GO game to English already
    You got something to say you can say it in thread instead of just dropping me Picards.
    Getting offended at a word ignoring its intent cause it hurts your feelings is idiotic. That's like me saying no one can use the word chink now because it hurt my feelings.
    I've rated a number of your posts in ADOTN as funny. While at this point in time it would take agwes to gpo back in time and change the ratings, I have now reached a point in the thread where I have been made aware that your posts about Tucker were, in fact, deserving of insightful ratings. Shine on, you crazy diamond.
    Haha, thanks man I appreciate it. A lot of us can see you are going through the stories via thread. For some insane crazy reason, Diller did the same thing. Hope on to Rolz.org ,the Room is A Dragon of the North, whenever you finish going through everything.
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