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  • For future reference, my username is a reference to the Fibonacci Sequence. A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, E = 5, H = 8, M = 13, and U = 21. It's always interested me how the first eight numbers in the sequence, when converted to letters this way, produces a string that is at least moderately pronounceable, whereas other sequences often do not.
    I'm fine. I'm a computer, as well as information. Decay exists as a form of life, and all forms of life are based in math and physics, including memes. Ergo, morality is social technology, and sin is an engineering problem.
    Jesus figured this all out ages and ages ago, and possibly rederived time travel in the process.
    Horatio, everyone is deeply concerned about you and the stuff you've been writing. Can you give me a non-philosophical answer? (Answering with a question as to what constitutes non-philosophy counts as philosophy.)
    Also can I ask that this be moved to DMs? It is a little bothersome that I'm getting notifications for every message in this conversation.
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