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  • Yo, whereabouts in the Chi suburbs do/did you live? I'm also in the W/NW suburbs.
    (For some reason, even though I live just off the highway [64, not 290] that cuts east straight to the heart of downtown, my area is still classified as NW suburbs even a town or two south of me.)
    I live in Arlington Heights. Do you mean 64 as in North Avenue? I thought that was getting into the Western suburbs. I know 64 & 290 is in Northlake, south of the NW suburbs and east south east of Addison, which I know is considered Western rather than Northwestern.
    I'm not that familiar with Northlake save for that confusing interchange of 20/64/290/294.
    Obliviated fan
    Obliviated fan
    Yes, North Avenue. I'm in Carol Stream, a couple towns west of Addison, and I'd consider it Western too but if you look at Craigslist, my village as well as a little south was in the Northwest section instead last I checked. *shrugs*
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