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  • Hope you're well this end of year season. Do you expect to revisit / continue It Takes An Eldritch Entity? it was an enjoyable ride so far, and it's among the quests I still look forward to seeing again in my notifications
    I was just browsing novelupdates looking through Otome Game Reincarnation stories like the degenerate that I am, when I came across a strangely familiar name and profile picture... (yours if I didn't already make that obvious enough).
    Found that pretty funny though so I thought I would share it. The review was on "I'm Spying on the Heroine in an Otome Game World" if you were curious.
    Any chance of restarting "Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)"?

    I miss being able to sarcastically shit talk people about their terrible vote write-in ideas because they like the OP character but don't really understand how fucked in the head they are. LMAO the guy that wanted the Mask from the movie for Taylor Herbert, anti-villain determinator.
    No way man. Honestly, I'm kinda embarrassed of that quest, since I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. You can continue it if you want, but I'm done.
    It wasn't bad at all. I'm re-reading it now and i'm surprised at the patience you displayed at the blatant powertripping and perhaps intentional sabotage. Also i was being more of a dick than i remembered, so maybe it's for the best that stays buried *shifty-eyes*.

    If you ever want to do something similar again, i suggest keeping the powers choice and when to get one more as 'QM privilege'.
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