• It took two weeks, but I finished my revision to Dovah Queen. I'm now working on plotting ahead and building up a buffer of a few chapters before I resume posting. Part of why I stopped was I got stuck on direction, so I'm going to plan farther ahead this time.
    Writing update: I'm returning to Dovah Queen. I'm currently working through Dragonborn Rising chapter by chapter. This is NOT a rewrite. I am tweaking some bad wording and fixing spelling, punctuation and grammar errors as I find them, but nothing more. When I have refreshed myself on what I have written, I'll resume posting.
    I usually try to keep my online presence and real-world lives separate, but I did bring up Haley and Finnley, so I'll post an update. The prenatal surgery did not happen. Haley's uterus was too sensitive. She started to go into preterm labor and they had to call it off. Finnley was born premature on June 1st and is still in the NICU. 6lbs 5oz.
    Harper Potts
    Harper Potts
    He has had two surgeries since then. One to seal his spinal cord. One to put a shunt into his brain to drain off the excess fluid. MRI was done on Friday (June 5th). We're still waiting on results to tell us how much brain damage there is. We're trying to stay positive and hope for the best.
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Ah man, that's rough. Best of luck to them both.
    Hey Harper, good to see you're doing writer-y things again even if the circumstances around it otherwise are less than ideal, and my reading queue is long enough it'll probably be awhile before I get to the tab for your snippets omnibus thread. Hope the employment situation is resolved before it becomes too troublesome, and of course that your relative's surgery went well, too.
    Harper Potts
    Harper Potts
    I'm hoping my employment situation turns up as well. I'm fine until the end of August because of unemployment. That's a long time in the current job marketplace. Who knows what things will look like next week, let along the end of August. I'll make a separate post to update about Finnley and Haley.
    Part of my family is in trouble. Haley is a good person. She is an elementary school choir teacher. That's right, she teaches little kids to sing. She loves her job and she's good at it. She is expecting her first child, Finnley. He has the worst form of spina biffida. He needs prenatal surgery to survive and live a normal life. Thoughts and prayers are welcome.
    Now recruiting additional betas for Dovah Queen. Long hours, low pay... actually no pay. Sorry, but you do get to see chapters early.
    I'm back!!!!! I returned to writing a few weeks ago and now returning to posting here. More views and feedback is good.
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