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  • What do you think of YuGiOh quest?
    I don't yet know enough about it (story OR mechanics) to say! But if it's anything like Underpowered, it'll be great fun I'm sure :3
    Apologies if my votes are too cumbersome. ^^;;
    I would enjoy reading such an omake. When I'd gotten over cringing! XD
    When it comes to the interruption, that's honestly /expected/. Like, rather than Homura having eaten the [CLOVE OF GARLIC], you could've interrupted the post, keeping a "vote in abeyance" for the rest of the day, while soliciting a vote for how Homura handles the lack of lunch money. :)
    It's a *HECK* of a lot less likely to cause issues than Homurabotting through. :)
    Wondering what the policy on retcons is re: quest updates. Really iffy, could go either way...
    I've GMed and I've played, I understand both sides of the disconnect, and the frustration it results in. This time, I'm pretty sure it's down to my messed up sleep today, because it's *obvious* looking at it now. @_@
    Everything is obvious after you realise it or it's pointed out, to be fair. I can be horrendously oblivious to hints and clues myself!
    I think the hex code made me think that Kyuubey had "hacked" us, or something. I went with my initial assumption instead of thinking, which I loathe when I do that.
    When it comes to GURPS damage values, keep in mind they're scaled to the idea that 20 HP of injury will kill the average adult half the time, and 60 HP of injury will *always* kill an adult.
    This is done to reflect the difference between armor penetrating ability and how much trauma it actually does.

    GURPS also has hit locations that modify things. Not saying to do that, because *that* is pretty counter to The Gamer, just something to keep in mind when comparing damage values. :)
    Oh! I'd actually taken it that GURPS stuff was scaled to the idea of average people having 10 HP since that was the default I kept seeing on GURPS chargen pages. That's good to know - I'll just do a bit of rebalancing again. Luckily we haven't decided to go gunning at anything yet this loop~
    Yeah, people have 10 HP, but they have to pass a health check every time their current HP reaches a full multiple in the /negative/. So -10, -20, -30, and -40. At -50 it's auto-death.

    0 HP is when you start having problems staying /conscious/.
    Regarding the errors in timing at the beginning of the quest, you could always correct them at the start of the second load from save, and act like that's how it always was. Either start off waking up at the new apartment on March 25th, or we play through the end of the hospital stay and the move to Mitakihara from March 16th.
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