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  • Thank you again. Jesus, the game almost became easy Street for the first chapter!
    Gruber dude
    Gruber dude
    Hm...... Mind being my Stat monitor when I post late at night?
    If you'd like me to, sure. I just did some basic number crunching while trying to figure out what was the best stuff to buy, so my math isn't very complex or in-depth, but I'm willing if you just want a second pair of eyes on things.
    Gruber dude
    Gruber dude
    Thanks, man. Just need someone to keep an eye on stats. And tell me if I need to either nerf or buff.
    I'm sorry for my behavior. It was childish and unbecoming of me.
    It's fine, no worries. Apology accepted and all that. I'll go back to working on my turn for the game once the post goes up again.
    And you fail fabulously, like a flaming eagle streaking across the sky on a comet tail of shit
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