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  • Good day to you, sir. If you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    Huh. Took you a while, didn't it? Still, thank you for your time.
    Yeah I don't usually see this page, I went through it for something else randomly and noticed your question. I get a lot of alerts so missing things like this can happen. Cheers! (BTW it's a better manga than anime, but the anime isn't horrible.)
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    Eh, at least you got back to me. Some never do.
    Hey, so I know this MIGHT not be entirely relevant to you, but in Swedish we recently had a push for a gender neutral term for he/she, and we did get one. It also happens to be really useful when writing forms and stuff.
    Seems perfectly relevant, thanks. I'm sure English could do the same, with a bit of a push.
    In Convolution, in your first spoiler box you have "Parahuman Healing Authorization Document", you don't actually need that. If a person can't communicate, then first aiders, paramedics, nurses, and doctors have what's called Implied Consent, until such a time as they either can communicate to you to stop, or a guardian tells you to stop.
    that'd be very xmen stupid but to the best of my knowledge worm doesn't speak to much about the laws in cannon which leaves a lot of wiggle room for fanfic authors to come up with their own understanding of the laws in the setting personally if i were coming up with such a law i'd have it be that people who don't want parahuman healing have to wear something instead of those who do but some people think differently
    In canon, Panacea apparently has to ask before touching a patient who voluntarily entered a hospital for the express purpose of receiving care. Worm paints a very paranoid and non-real-life picture about parahuman healing.
    does she *have* to ask? or does she *choose* to ask as part of her personal rule set? (like not doing brains) ... BTW not trying to be a jerk i haven't actually read the canon in full yet but through the various fanfiction i've read i've gotten the impression that it's her hangup not a legal requirement that causes her to ask every time
    Interesting name-change. Also, glad to see you still live. Or have advanced enough in your undead state to better lure in and trick the living. ^_^
    Hey, jerkface! Your name makes it /really/ tempting to just start insulting you, even with no good reason. XD
    Convolution status?
    Status is: "I should really finish writing that chapter already."
    Robo Jesus
    Robo Jesus
    Heh, at least you're honest about that. :p
    Robo Jesus
    Robo Jesus

    Imma bored and want to do some writing, don't care if it's one of your stories or mind. Interested at all in the offer?
    Just read Convolution. Most nid or zerg stories are all look how awesome this is! Which makes for shit reading. You've put more believable character interaction into a teaser then some get into 5 chapters look forward to reading more.
    Thanks, I'll post chapter 0.2 soon.
    Robo Jesus
    Robo Jesus
    Yeah, all the others jump into the premise without actually accounting for the characters involved. It's really quite frustrating, and makes so many otherwise decent stories into unreadable messes.
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