• Just started a quest called Monster Marriage Quest, and was completely unaware you'd already used that title. Sorry about that, I'll try to check previous titles more in the future
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Already got pointed out to me, actually, and I'm mostly amused at how absurdly coincidental the whole thing is -exact same name, mine revives the same day yours first posts. It puts me in mind of how there's both a British Dennis the Menace and an American version that started within a month of each other completely coincidentally.
    in retrospect i probably should have mentioned it to both QMs in question but I tend to forgot profile posts exist and it didn't feel natural to post in a quest I hadn't actually read.
    Just reread Exploding Canon. The post-Simurgh chapters are a great read ! I really enjoy the way the spiraling overthinking combines with the relatively fast-moving events to create the overall pacing. It feels neither too fast nor too slow, while also having lots of interesting content + setting up stuff for later.

    I hope this continues, or that you post a summary of intended future arcs when you abandon it !
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Everything in my signature is Not Abandoned. I've just had a collage of stupid nonsense increasingly sapping my time and energy, which has come to a head in recent months. I hope to get back to things... soon... but I don't know when meatspace will scale back the nonsense enough for me to actually be able to resume work on my projects.

    The feedback's nice, anyway.
    I just finished another reread of Exploding Canon, so I'm delighted to hear that you still plan to get back to this someday.
    Reading this makes me happy that some of my favorite fics will be continued someday. Also I'm glad that I checked your profile, because some of them were updated and I just didn't get the email. All hail ghoul king!
    For reference, my current avatar is the closest thing I've ever seen to my mental image of what I'll just call The Default Cherie Smile, as far as how I write Cherie. Hence part of why I made it my avatar.
    What's it from? It's great, and pretty interesting in that context.
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    7th Dragon Code: VFD. It's one of the player character portrait options.
    Thanks! VFD is a weird acronym to see outside of Lemony Snicket's work. Wonder what it stands for.
    Wow, it's been nearly six months since I injured myself. That's... ugh. It feels like two, and I'm not fully healed... I really didn't think it would result in this long a gap in my writing.
    I injured my shoulder today, and while I can still type one-handed, I'm in quite a bit of pain, so back to being unsure when creative writing will actually continue.
    How's your shoulder doing? I hope everything is back to normal.
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    I'm doing much better, but it still tires quickly and lacks its full range of motion. I'm at least not in constant agony, though.
    I like what you write, but I don't know anyone who writes characters like you do. Do you know anyone who writes characters the way you do?
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Depends on what you mean exactly, but my gut response is 'no, I don't know anyone who writes characters like I do'.
    So on the plus side, I recently moved out of the fetid pit my prior apartment had turned out to be and creative writing is happening more consistently than for the last couple of years. Health: it matters!
    Your avatar looks really good!
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    My current avatar is Demon King Fomortiis, of Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones. Probably his most obscure piece of official art, since beating the game doesn't necessarily involve seeing it.
    Thanks! We're all so different, and I don't have the time and processing power to learn everything yet. Seeing other people try really gives me hope, you know?
    (I do not endorse all my opinions from this period; among other things, I was extremely sleep-deprived.)
    I've removed Powered By Friendship from my signature, as at this point I've become clear that this first attempt was insufficiently thought out. I'm working on a reboot, though who knows when things will settle down enough for me to get back to regular Quest writing.
    The latest update to story thread icon stuff reminded me to actually make some 'covers'; Monster and How I Met Your Monster now have such. I'm particularly pleased with how How I Met Your Monster's cover turned out.

    Now to figure out other covers...
    Well, it took me longer to read it than it took Wildbow to write it, but I've read all of Ward, for whatever that's worth. At least nice to have it behind me.
    I am uncertain how to feel about consistently finding it easier to write Cherie than Taylor at this point. Hm.
    If you plan on continue writing Monster, will it be from Cherie's perspective? I only ask because I've been thinking of writing my own fanfic with Cherie as the protagonist. Love Monster.
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    That's not the plan, no. Unsure exactly how Wild Hunt will be handled, but that exact scenario is very unlikely.
    OK I finished reading all of your FoZ Notes over on Tumblr and all it took me was the Wikipedia articles for Oat, He Jiankui and Rolf Harris on top of three Within Temptation songs and two Fate AMVs. So yeah just reading about how stupid Familiar of Zero is made me go trough descriptions of a Cereal Grain, a Chinese Mad Scientist and an Australian Celebrity Pedophile. Ow.
    OK so I have two questions if you are comfortable answering either: 1) Did you at some point read Puella Magi Adfligo Systema - Story only ? 2) Did you at some point watch Pet the Anime from this Winter season?
    Pet is a grimdark anime about how abuse cycles happen and also about how self-destructive the whole grimderp "rationality" is. There is also misandry and misogyny and an exploration of how toxic such societal mores are. It's a bleak story where no one is good, everyone is miserable and it examines an authoritarian society and how miserable such a thing is.
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Hm. I might check that out at some point, then.
    Just be aware that Pet is about the part of society organized crime lives in. That's the authoritarian society it examines. Don't expect anyone to go to the cops either because they are criminals or because they are victims of crimes that might as well be murder and/or actual murder or all of the above. Also the finale sucks. This is one of those anime that doesn't stick the landing.
    I have newfound empathy for authors who have complained about FF.net eating formatting and so on. At least I'll never have to touch the FF.net version of Monster ever again, jeeze.
    I miss you, Flexgold. :sad:
    13th Bee
    13th Bee
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    I'm actually aware of that thread, but am wary of browser addon effects and haven't seen a version of the color scheme that lines up with what I liked about Flexgold. I might give it a try at some point, but for the near future I'd rather not. I do appreciate the attempt to help, though.

    Also holy crap we can do images in profile posts now?!
    So it turns out Blasto's home turf is supposed to be the part of Boston containing Harvard and tons of pricey housing. wut
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    He's supposed to be an under-the-radar supervillain pretty much nobody likes. I -and the rest of fandom- always assumed he was supposed to be hiding in, like, a warehouse in The Bad Part Of Town, because that *actually makes sense*.
    I always thought that the penetration of capes into society meant you found them everywhere. What you're saying makes sense, but the canon doesn't seem so outladish (in its own domain).
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Yeah, everywhere, but secrecy is involved, and when it isn't it's because you're someone people can't stop, or a respected hero, or a joke nobody cares about in an area nobody cares about. Blasto in Harvard territory is none of those.
    So Ghoul King, we're on the 9th arc of Ward. How is it so far? Last time I asked you, you said you were following it.
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    I've read up through the sixth Arc, and it's been a dull slog. Victoria remains an uninteresting protagonist. The portion of her team that's even slightly compelling is, of course, the portion that's being almost completely ignored by the story in favor of dumping tons of attention on Rain, who I basically hate. Mama Mathers is blatantly retconned-in bullshit.
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    The fight scenes are DULL, and yet the story still insists on spending HUGE numbers of words on them. There's constant basic screwups that make scenes unnecessarily hard to follow. Victoria routinely draws dubious conclusions on limited information and the story promptly affirms them as 'correct'.
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Victoria's 'morality' is incoherent gibberish, which would be fine except the story seems to be operating on a contrary belief. The camera drop has been the ONE good scene in the entire thing so far, and it's not great enough to justify slogging through everything else. I'm... still periodically pushing through it, but ugh.
    I've given up on Fairy Tale What Quest. Quests don't really seem to agree with me, and I'd rather focus on MMQ of the two.
    Finally committed to the latest (non-Omake) Monster chapter being the Arc breakpoint, and have thus updated the FF and AO3 versions.
    Ghoul King
    Ghoul King
    Which includes getting How I Met Your Monster properly caught up on those sites. I felt it would be needlessly confusing to be posting stuff overlapping with stuff those sites don't even have yet.
    Would you like to check out my now- revised writing? @Leila Hann was kind enough to help me, but I want to see if theres any other problems that need fixing.
    I would link, but STILL do not know how.
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