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  • Thanks for the like and the recommendation at the end of chap 28 of With Sprinkles; I started reading Journeyverse by Tenhawk... pretty good so far, I recognize most of the characters mentioned ( anything that includes Mack Bolan gets my attention :) some are a total mystery to me though.
    EH!? Sempai noticed me! :oops: :)

    Thanks for the like on my Nemesis omake, it's always a wild feeling when I get a mark of approval from a BNF.
    Hey, Stephenopolos wrote something over HERE that takes ones of your snippet pieces and adds a direction (and a closure). Thanks to which, of course, I am now rereading that collection... again... for the fifty-trillionth time. I look at so many of those things and wish they were fleshed out into full stories.
    Isnt my realname
    Wierd. When I tried to tag @Stephenopolos in the post, I got an error (message must be no longer than 420 characters), for a 414-character post. Well, tagging them here instead.
    I'm surprised he didn't send it to me to add to the file, but thanks for letting me know, it was a fun little addition.
    it's not quite ready for the file. i'm still picking at it for at least 3 more sections to the scenes.
    Hi. I really enjoy your stories, and from what i read, you need typists/editors. Is that still the case? I have a few hours of free time for such a good purpose. Also if you want to use as a trigger for your muse: No plan survives the contact with the Xander.
    Hey, just noticed that you have an account here as well.
    If I want to brainstorm and/or provide feedback for your stories, which platform would you like me to use? Patreon, email, SV, Discord, something else?
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