Interested Party

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  • I wonder what the current proportion of my public-facing posting is shouting poems no one reads into the void. I also wonder why my autocorrect periodically "learns" that it needs to capitalize random words in the middle of my sentences. I wonder many things.
    I stumbled across your profile post going through new profile posts if that's useful information for you.
    I'm presuming you locked the tribunal AMA thread (if not I would appreciate directions to who did). I have a few questions regarding that:
    • Why was the thread locked?
    • Are threads regarding tribunals not allowed in general?
      • What other norms/rules exist regarding threads on tribunals?
    If you have questions for the staff, the Ask A Private Question subforum exists for that purpose, not their profile pages.
    Nice choice of avatars, I always did love the Executor - for a ship big enough to house a small nation or two worth of crew, she sure does have the "looks fast sitting still" effect going for her.
    Good sir, I believe if has been three days since my threadban, it has yet to be lifted. Or do I have to wait a few more hours?
    Interested Party
    Interested Party
    Things like threadbans update on set cycles, if memory serves. Don't know the specifics, though; for that I'd recommend talking with an Operator. It should expire soon, though.

    Also, in future please put questions like this through PMs, not profile posts. Thank you.
    Astra Myst
    Astra Myst
    Very well. Thank you
    If I may pester you, Why exactly is the um' "T-Word" considered a slur on this site? Again I apologize for pestering you
    Interested Party
    Interested Party
    In a word? Because it's used as a slur. Because we have a number of transsexual users and Staff members, and many of them have had the word screamed at them as a slur in real life.
    Interested Party
    Interested Party
    And we want to make SV a welcoming place, and that means when we see a slur, we ban it. Simple as that.
    Astra Myst
    Astra Myst
    Ah, apologies
    Thanks for acting quickly and fairly on the use of transphobic language in the Naruto Quest.
    I am heartened to discover that places I consider 'pretty cool' are indeed 'pretty cool', and taking a stand for trans rights puts you (and the rest of the staff) solidly there in my books. Even if you don't particularly care about the issue one way or another, seeing those rules in place and enforced brings me happiness.
    Thank you for the infractions. I acted like a huge hypocrite (abusee who nearly attempted murder at your service) and getting triggered is no excuse for bad behavior. Losing the moral high ground is embarrassing, you know? I will try to avoid making the same mistake in the future. Bye bye!
    Would you happen to know if I can post links to Amazon in my thread? Just so someone doesn't ask for the book.
    Interested Party
    Interested Party
    You were advised to ask an Administrator or one of the site owners, who are the Directors. Look, just wait for someone to respond in the Ask A Private question subforum, profile posts *really* aren't the platform for this sort of thing.
    I did a Private Question forum, but still waiting.
    Interested Party
    Interested Party
    It does take time for these things to be processed and actioned. Shocking, I know. Look, just do your best to be patient, pestering other members of Staff isn't really going to make things happen any faster.
    An American who spells "color" with a u?
    Interested Party
    Interested Party
    I read certain works of British literature at a very formative period of my youth. And it just looks better with a u.
    I have the same problem with grey. It just looks better with an "e" than an "a."
    That is the most *incredible* wall of infractions I have *ever seen.*

    ... That's supposed to be a compliment, btw.
    Interested Party
    Interested Party
    That does seem to happen, sometimes, yeah. On the other hand - well, here's my little trick for when I start to get depressed about that sort of thing. SV is a forum with actual *thousands* of users, all over the world, nigh-on constantly posting and interacting with each other.
    Interested Party
    Interested Party
    And yet, despite that incredible size of people and interactions all grouped together, on the whole they generate few enough reports and fires that 21 moderators, some of which can be expected to be busy at any given time, are with only reasonable levels of difficulty able to keep on top of the problems in this nearly unfathomably large mass of people and interactions and keep things to a low smolder at their worst.
    Interested Party
    Interested Party
    Either we're missing so much we might as well be pissing in the wind, for lack of a less crude phrase, or by and large the vast majority of people the vast majority of the time are able to do alright and treat each other reasonably well. We just see when things go wrong, not that constant low-level baseline of things going *right*.
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