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  • I am curious. Which media is the Medusa whose your aide in ShadowFire Agency from? And does she play mobile games like her Nasu-counterpart?
    To your first message: Yes, the jammer is there to keep all beings with multidimensional abilities or technology out of the SFA, mostly for their own safety. To the second: I wish you luck and I also have a backstory for my own character
    Madou Sutegobana
    Madou Sutegobana
    I would be interested in reading the backstory for your character. Is it your Brave SI? Or a different character?
    It's DrMethilon's backstory, I will make it when an SFA thread is created. Also, you read that crappy story of mine? I kinda forgot it existed.
    hay I just wanted to ask if you are ever going to continue your brave story andif you have any others on the internet
    Sorry, but the Brave SI was supposed to be a oneshot, considering the idea was from a Brave clip. But if you or someone else want to take up, you have my permission, so long as you give due credit. As for other stories I have some omakes in Shadenight's Fate SI and Ars Poetica's Multiverse SI and an abandoned FMA OC story in Fanfiction. Thanks for enjoying my story though, people like you make me feel warm inside :).
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