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  • So, might I ask when you'll be updating your Disney AU quest? It's been, like, four (4) years since the last comment was posted on it, and I'm wanting to know if there's going to be any progress on it. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but please do so.
    It's been 4 years. Its dead.

    To be honest, I kind of forgot it existed.
    Ah. Damn. Well, could you reboot it please, if it's not too much trouble?
    Merry Christmas Iandude0. I know we've drifted away over the past year, but for a long while I considered you one of my very closest friends. I'll try to get back into things on your discord this new year.
    Merry Christmas Iandude!... sorry for missing your birthday. I wish you success in your quests my friend! And I thank you for comforting me after the fallout which occurred earlier this year.
    Wait, you're a dad? Congrats!
    No, I'm not. The title was for my avvie, a younger Garon from Fire Emblem Fates.

    Having a child will have required me getting laid, or having a girlfriend. Besides, I'm, like, 94% sure I'm nowhere near responsible enough to raise children. :V
    Ah....*embarassed af* @_@
    Question: how do I even spell your username, may I ask? I or L?
    I, not L. And thank you for asking. If you got it wrong, I guess it just means I've got two lives :V
    can i ask what happened to the ron stoppable quest you were running? is it on hiatus or dead? (or hopefully a really long update that took a month to write?)
    hiatus for the moment. Might take some time after christmas when I (hopefully) get a new Shadowrun source book.
    hey iandude0, you think it's an good idea to have 3 quests? I dunno, even the best GM have multiple quests just fall apart or abandon. Especially once the CK2 portions of the quests of Ashes end and it becomes more personal rather than a straight up dynasty quest.
    Yeah, I know i'm going to be stretching myself rather thin here, and that's why I'm going to try and blaze through the Diplomatic stuff in the CK2 quests so I can get back to the turns pretty soon. And if things go to shit, I'll probably just end up putting the thrid quest on hiatus for a while. I've done so before, I can do so again if need be.
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