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  • About your point of Dark Souls 2 giving the player personal stakes(posting this here so as not to derail to Controversial Gaming Opinions thread). Sure the B team(guys who made the Izalith area) did that, and the game is considered mediocre at best. Dark Souls 3 went back to Dark Souls 1 style(so did the backstabs unfortunately, DS2 spears had the best backstabs).
    I have a feeling that's not because of the story, but I long gave up on the game so I don't know.
    You wouldn't happen to have more of Voiced of War tucked away somewhere would you? Just found it today.
    I've had to put all my stories on a bit of a break. Partly it's burn out, but mostly I've been working 6 nights a week so I just don't have the energy to write much. I've got more time off coming soon so I'll have time to work on my stories more.
    Question: I was rereading an old thread you posted in, and a quip you made implied you're not of the opinion a degree in literature is worth much. I'm not trying to persuade you of anything so much as ask if that's the case; and if so why?
    Mainly it's because I feel if you're spending 50,000 a year to get a degree it should be one that allows for a broad field of employment. Like a business degree or a STEM degree. A degree in literature may be personally interesting but it's not going to help you get a job, which is the point of college.
    Apologies for the late reply, I only just now saw this and I feel compelled to ask further. Disregarding the 'point' of college; what precludes a specialized major from aiding you getting a job? Is it lesser to a more nebulous one just because it isn't as arbitrarily 'broad'?
    The thing is a degree in literature doesn't exactly prepare you for the working world. Sure you could get a decent job in some cubicle somewhere that has nothing to do with your degree, but you could do that with an associates degree from a local community college. The thing is such a degree doesn't add anything to a resume. You aren't building practical skills with a literature degree.
    Curious, what's the whole 'Official Conscience of Worm Fanfiction!' thing about?
    Someone, I can't remember who called me that when I got in my millionth morality debate on a Worm Thread. I thought it was funny. It's less fitting now that I try to avoid those debates.
    It was me. I am flattered that you still have the title even now. Honestly I appreciate your frank, no-bullshit opinions on things and your preference for not pulling your punches.
    I don't always agree with you, but I have a lot of respect for your opinions.
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