Silently Watches

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  • Hi! I just read through Magical Girl Escalation Taylor, and really enjoyed it! I'm a bit saddened to hear that you're not planning to pick it back up, but your reasons for not doing so make total sense, and I'm enjoying Spells in Silence just as much, if not more.

    That said, could you explain what your plans for the Dyson Sphere planet were? I'd love to know what you were thinking of doing with it.

    Silently Watches
    Silently Watches
    I don't remember if I had many definite plans. I remember that if the players explored it, they would encounter semi-self-aware machines and could take one for Tim to analyze and learn from. I think I was also considering them running into an A.I. that reached full sapience, which would have opened options for another Unison Device.
    First I would like to start by thanking you for the incredible work you did on Magical Girl Escalation Taylor, unfortunately I can't do necrotopic so I'll have to thank you right here.

    About the story, I just finished reading Magical Girl Taylor and would like to know if you have any predictions for returning from hiatus. This is a wonderful story and I would find it a pity to be forgotten after coming this far.
    My answer got big so I'm separating it into 3 comments

    I understand the problem, but the solution is relatively simple. The story has come far enough and I believe it is at a good point to conclude. You can just finish the story instead of continuing a long quest.
    My advice is not to worry about keeping Taylor's power levels suitable for Worm and focus on eliminating the End Brigers with the help of all the mages she can recruit thus concluding the story. Along with that some prologue options like Taylor deciding between establishing a magic guild or leaving the planet can be interesting.
    After 4 years writing this quest don't you think it deserves a happy ending? Even if it doesn't continue in the Quest format I really believe this story deserves an ending
    Is Magical Girl Escalation Taylor on Hiatus?
    Silently Watches
    Silently Watches
    For the moment, yes. I'm working on my other story as I mentioned back in the AAR. I'll probably start back up with MGET mid to late September.
    I just realized I reached out to you some time ago praising you for writing "Deal with a Devil" on

    ...My world has suddenly gotten just a tiny bit smaller and more profound.

    I'm going through Magical Escalation Girl Taylor, and I have to ask: who's Stephenie, and what did she do to Jaime?
    Silently Watches
    Silently Watches
    Jaime was explicitly a false name pre-Battery gave Cauldron. After that, she's referred to as Battery for the rest of her interlude, so we don't know her real name.
    Hmm, so it is. I had forgotten that.
    I just wanna say that I am REALLY SORRY for cursing your quest with the Lisa situation. It doesn't want to die!!

    *Says while nervously glancing at the many eyes following him intently*
    Been meaning to ask for some time - are you the same Silently Watches as on ffnet (responsible for the rather fun little fic about Jinx/Raven and Raven accepting her demon heritage, then they become special forces)? Cause that'd be awesome if so.
    Silently Watches
    Silently Watches
    Yep, that's me. I didn't realize you'd read those stories.
    Oh god yes! I love your stuff. Oh god I now feel so embarrassed that you've read my shitty stuff.
    Silently Watches
    Silently Watches
    XD Don't be embarrassed! I'm actually really enjoying Maternal Instinct.
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