• I see you started a SG-1 quest which is rare. I have a dead quest for Sg-1 as well so if you like check it out and copy whatever you like. SB version has the discussion while SV is read only. I like there being more Stargate stuff. Cheers.
    Hey, PoM, just wanted to ask if "In Madness Fallen" and "Ashes Scatter" are dead?
    I very much want to continue IMF, at the very least due to the recent release of Color of Madness, but it simply became too bulky a concept.
    I approve of your new profile pic.
    A fine reward, heirlooms of ancestors long past and friends long-forgotten.
    I find I cannot help but see a tiger head on a regular person(hand and beard become a snout). Still awesome, just a bit strange.
    FWIW, seem to be getting people who are just wandering in to comment/snark but not really to meaningfully vote or help plan much, which isn't really helping.
    I mean, it's kinda rough, but there's at least six people who regularly pay attention, they just... don't vote.
    Well, considering I was a part of the "comment/snarkers", I'd like to apologize on that mark. While my behavior likely will not improve until I have some headway in my own writing, I will instead reveal that I am as dense as a neutron star. While I had intended to help bring a bit of comraderie to the quest, it seems I missed the mark. For that, I apologize.
    I know I shouldn't switch my boon, but I'm doing so anyway. Changing the boon from +Intrigue to +Stewardship.
    Before you get too far, is Attack(X Militia Downward Trends + Y Retinue Downward Trends and (X+Y)/2 Downward Trends in Larder). You don't have to commit equal numbers of militia and retinue. Silly me.
    Ah, sorry I fell away in your Quest. I was really enjoying it, but I do sometimes just sorta slip away from Quests, and I do enough writing that it's hard to keep up with a lot of reading the way I used to before I wrote as much.
    Laugh all you want, waking up covered in crabs would be HORRIFYING.
    Or it would be super awesome. You just woke up with a bunch of tasty, live meat all around you, pre-caught. A few dozen pinches and prods would be so worth it.
    Not if the crabs hung around because they were eating your husband! And now we are back to venereal diseases again.
    Hey Powerofmind, sorry to bother you, but I've got this idea for a Metro: 2033 Quest stuck in my head and while I won't be doing it any time soon (I have zero experience with being a QM) I was wondering if you had any advice for an aspiring QM.

    Depends. I don't know the series so I can't give particulars, but generally you should have a fairly clear goal of what you want the -end- to be (unless it's a sandbox), and sometimes you just have to force yourself to get there. The toughest part of QM'ing is to keep going when you're brain dead, or when the amazing 'in the future' parts of the story in your mind seem so far away you'll never reach them.
    Thanks! I actually have two ideas for what I want the quest to be (one sandbox, one more linear) so this is good advice for both of them.
    Also, I would recommend the series, as it is classic Russian GRIMDARK where the Moscow Metro has been converted into a bomb shelter after a massive nuclear war. Mutants, spooky stuff, subway Nazis, and every station is kind of like its own city. You can probably find the books pretty easily (hell, they're giving a free pdf of 2033 away on r/metro2033).
    Anyway, thanks for taking the time to respond.
    Seeing as you have written plans before is there any chance you will put together one that includes killing the Spider?
    Going away to the World Boardgaming Championships for the week. They removed Battle of the Bulge '81 edition from the tournament roster :(
    Currently second-guessing every idea I have in regards to the quests I want to post in. Great.
    Just go for it. Analyze, have fun, and jump in. A QM will always appreciate a new member, especially if he has ideas. Even crack-pot ones.
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