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  • I have a weird aversion to posting in ancient threads even when it's not against the rules, so I'll say it here: thanks for writing (N)tE! I normally can't stand Mari, but even she was quite enjoyable to read here, and I'm particularly excited to see what we'll be seeing with Kaworu.
    I know there've been jokes and what not about a Tacit Ronin Power Hour show in-universe, but has anyone actually worked on such a thing?
    Like an omake series or something.

    I'm speaking in reference to the "Tacit Ronin vs The World" universe/setting, if that wasn't already clear. Not of an official production.
    Ah. Well, there's been a couple omakes made by different people throughout the quest so far, but nothing like a proper Power Hour serial or anything.
    I see.
    I've been contemplating trying to run a "vs the World" type of quest, applied to a different franchise from Pacific Rim. Would you mind/d'ya think I should go for it? And/or should I ask open_sketchbook first/also?
    Well first, I'd like to know what franchise you plan to use it with, but that's more just general interest. On a more serious note, though, I have zero problems with you using the system-- go for it! I don't know so much about the last bit, but I imagine it can't hurt to let o_s know.
    Well, I've got three in mind, actually. Strictly speaking the closest would be "Shin Mazinger vs the World", obviously based on the Mazinger franchise, and particularly the Shin Mazinger IMPACT! manga. The second is a Power Rangers AU where Rita takes over the world in ep 1 with her team of evil Power Rangers, and Zordon's only resource to start fighting back is the single Green Power Coin.
    The third idea, and this is where there's the most potential for everything to be a mess in terms of organization, is a multicrossover Gundam story -- basically a "Dynasty Warriors Gundam" scenario, but presented in a "Civilization" or "vs the World" format.

    I'll definitely go consult o_s, though.
    Hey, sorry if I'm being bothersome, but could I ask you to drop by and share your thoughts on my stuff, since you apparently liked it?

    I'll even drop you a happy birthday ahead of time for it (not at all because I'm a forgetful person, mind you)! Deal? ;)
    Sure, why not? I know what likes without comments are like.
    I have that annoying impulse to start running a new game despite already running several ones. *frustrated noises*
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