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  • I really enjoyed binging your Mass Effect quest and am definitely looking forward to seeing what the 40k one looks like.

    Gotta warn you though, you've made me have high expectations.
    Hi just started superior firepower is the other Experiment mentioned by the rob in the message at the stArt an actual story
    Without going back to check, I'm pretty sure that was a blatant reference to the OG Planetary Annihilation Self Insert, which was Commander, by Drich
    Is Hope In Dark Times dormant until interest returns, or just dead?
    Are you still willing to do an omake with me?

    Also, can I borrow the man in the white suit?
    Inb4 is just a contraction of 'in before' as in, 'watch as this thing I just said is invalidated by something that will happen soon'

    And yes indeed I'm down for both the omake and you borrowing the man in the white suit. Hit me up with a PM
    Ok, give me a little while - a week at most. I have exams to study for.
    Updating your Watched Threads list is always sad. It's like, 'dead fic, dead fic, dead quest, dead fic, dead random old thread, dead fic...'
    How does I powerlevels? Fanfic is hard.
    Allison Outis
    Whatever works best for the story you're telling, and try to maintain internal consistency to avoid breaking SOD.
    Just to be clear; are you sure you live in 'straya? Because, and I'm not sure you know this, but 'Straya is a deathworld. Australia is merely incredibly dangerous. Now I'm sure Commander you could survive there, but an ordinary human being?
    "Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view." Sure, to an outsider 'straya looks scary, but I've been living here my whole life, in a suburb relatively near the bush, where deadly deadly spiders are all over the place if you know where to look. I'm used to it.
    hmm... OK. I mean, I live close to the Northern Beaches of Sydney, so I can't really complain.
    Faith do you like soup?
    Uh... what?

    It depends on what kind of soup. Cream of Tomato, or Chicken, for example, I will eat by the bucket. Other kinds I won't touch with a ten-foot pole.

    Still don't see how it's relevant though?
    Allison Outis
    Does it need to be relevant?
    Any chance that Planetary Annihilation TITANs will inspire you to continue/update Faith in Superior Firepower?
    I had no intention of halting it this early - It's simply that school has rather gotten in the way, and I've had far bigger things to worry about. I do mean to get back to it in the next week or so, though, since my exams are nearly over.
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